10 Best Practices for Creating Community Guidelines [Template]

published on 01 June 2024

Creating clear community guidelines is crucial for fostering a positive and engaging online environment. Here are the key practices to follow:

  1. Define Your Community's Purpose: Establish a clear mission statement outlining your community's goals, values, and desired behaviors. This purpose will guide the development of guidelines aligned with your vision.

  2. Set Clear Rules and Expectations: Outline what constitutes acceptable and prohibited behavior, content, and language. Clearly state the consequences for violations, such as warnings, suspensions, or bans.

  3. Promote Positive Interactions: Encourage respectful conversations, open discussions, and a sense of community. Lead by example and recognize positive behavior.

  4. Protect User Privacy and Safety: Define and prohibit cyberbullying and harassment. Educate users on online safety practices, and provide an easy way to report violations.

  5. Maintain Content Quality: Set guidelines for high-quality content, encourage relevant discussions, discourage off-topic content, and promote respectful interactions.

  6. Establish a Moderation Process: Define moderator roles and responsibilities, outline the process for reviewing reported violations, and implement appropriate consequences.

  7. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure inclusive content representing diverse voices and perspectives. Encourage open communication and respect for differences. Address concerns promptly.

  8. Review and Update Guidelines: Schedule regular reviews, gather member feedback, analyze and improve guidelines, and communicate changes to the community.

Here's a summary of the key components to include in your community guidelines:

Section Details
Introduction Explain the purpose and importance of the guidelines
Positive Behavior Outline expected respectful behavior and active participation
Rules and Restrictions List prohibited behaviors, content guidelines, and consequences
Reporting Violations Provide methods for reporting violations and how they'll be handled
Moderation Process Define moderator roles, review process, and consequences
Diversity and Inclusion Promote inclusive content, open communication, and respect
Review and Updates Outline the process for regularly reviewing and updating guidelines

Consistently enforcing and promoting your guidelines is key to maintaining a healthy community. Review and update them regularly to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Define Your Community's Purpose

Your community's purpose is the foundation for creating effective guidelines. It's crucial to establish a clear mission statement that outlines your community's goals, values, and objectives. This purpose will guide the development of guidelines that align with your community's vision.

A community's purpose can vary, such as:

  • A group for sharing interests or information
  • A platform for coordinating projects or activities
  • A space for learning or supporting a shared practice

For example, a community soccer league may aim to provide a platform for team members to coordinate game schedules, share information, and discuss their passion for soccer.

To define your community's purpose, ask yourself:

Question Example
What do you hope to achieve with your community? Provide a space for soccer enthusiasts to connect and coordinate games
What values do you want to promote? Sportsmanship, teamwork, and a love for the game
What kind of behavior do you want to encourage or discourage? Encourage respectful interactions, discourage unsportsmanlike conduct

By answering these questions, you'll be able to craft a clear and concise mission statement that sets the tone for your community guidelines. For example:

Mission Statement: "To create a welcoming environment for soccer enthusiasts to connect, coordinate games, and share their passion for the sport while promoting sportsmanship and teamwork."

This statement serves as a guiding principle for your community guidelines, ensuring that all content and interactions align with your purpose.

Set Clear Rules and Expectations

Acceptable Behavior

Outline what is okay for members to do, such as:

  • Be kind and respectful to others
  • Avoid hate speech, discrimination, or harassment
  • Do not spam or excessively promote yourself
  • Respect others' privacy and personal space

Prohibited Content

Clearly state what types of content are not allowed, including:

Prohibited Content Examples
Hate speech or discrimination Racist, sexist, or homophobic language
Illegal activities or harmful behavior Threats, violence, or illegal activities
Spamming or self-promotion Excessive advertising or irrelevant posts
Adult or NSFW material Explicit or pornographic content
Offensive or inappropriate content Profanity, insults, or graphic violence

Consequences for Violations

Explain what will happen if members break the rules, such as:

  • Warnings or account suspensions
  • Removal of offensive content
  • Temporary or permanent bans from the community
  • Legal action in extreme cases

Having clear rules helps create a safe and welcoming space for everyone. Review and update your guidelines regularly to keep them relevant.

Promote Positive Interactions

Building a friendly and welcoming community is key. Here are some ways to encourage positive interactions:

Constructive Discussions

  • Suggest ways for members to have respectful conversations
  • Ask open-ended questions to spark thoughtful discussions
  • Encourage sharing personal experiences and providing feedback

Sense of Community

  • Create opportunities for members to connect with each other
  • Organize group activities, events, or volunteer work

Lead by Example

  • As a community leader, model the behavior you want to see
  • Demonstrate kindness, empathy, and respect in your interactions

Recognize Positive Behavior

Action Example
Acknowledge positive behavior Feature members' contributions
Reward positive behavior Award badges or recognition

Protect User Privacy and Safety

Keeping users safe and protecting their privacy is crucial for a positive online community. As a community leader, you should outline clear guidelines addressing issues like cyberbullying, harassment, and online safety.

Cyberbullying and Harassment

  • Define what counts as cyberbullying and harassment in your guidelines
  • Have a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior
  • Provide instructions on how to report incidents

Online Safety

Action Details
Protect Personal Information Educate users on safeguarding their personal data online
Use Strong Passwords Encourage strong passwords and two-factor authentication
Identify Suspicious Activity Provide resources on recognizing and reporting suspicious behavior

Reporting Violations

  • Create an easy way for users to report violations or concerning behavior
  • Review reports promptly and take appropriate action
  • Keep users informed about actions taken in response to their reports

Maintain Content Quality

To keep your online community positive and engaging, it's important to maintain high-quality content. This section outlines guidelines for content creators and moderators to promote valuable discussions and prevent spam, off-topic posts, or irrelevant content.

Set Clear Content Guidelines

Establish clear guidelines for what content is acceptable and what is not. This includes:

  • Defining high-quality content
  • Outlining acceptable formats and tone
  • Providing examples of desirable content

Encourage Relevant Discussions

Foster relevant discussions by:

Action Details
Share Experiences Encourage members to share their experiences and expertise
Ask Open-Ended Questions Stimulate conversation by asking open-ended questions
Provide Resources Support discussions with resources and references

Discourage Off-Topic Content

Prevent off-topic conversations by:

Action Details
Define Off-Topic Clearly state what is considered off-topic
Stay on Topic Encourage members to stay on topic
Remove or Redirect Remove or redirect off-topic content

Promote Respectful Interactions

Foster respectful interactions by:

Action Details
Be Respectful Encourage members to be respectful and courteous
Outline Consequences Outline consequences for disrespectful behavior
Provide Resources Provide resources for conflict resolution

Moderation Process

Having a clear process for reviewing and addressing violations is key to maintaining a positive online community. This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of moderators, as well as the steps taken when a violation is reported.

Moderator Roles and Responsibilities

Moderators play a crucial role in upholding community guidelines. Their responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing reported content for violations
  • Issuing warnings or penalties to members who break the rules
  • Providing guidance to members on community guidelines
  • Collaborating with other moderators for consistent decisions

Reviewing Reported Violations

When a member reports a violation, the moderation team reviews the content to determine if it breaks the guidelines. If a violation is found, they take appropriate action, such as:

Action Details
Warning Issue a warning to the member
Content Removal Remove the violating content
Temporary Ban Ban the member temporarily from the community
Permanent Ban Ban the member permanently from the community

Penalties for Repeated or Severe Violations

Members who repeatedly or severely violate the guidelines may face additional penalties, including:

  • Temporary or permanent ban from the community
  • Removal of privileges or access to certain features
  • Required participation in a moderation review process to ensure understanding of the guidelines

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Creating a welcoming space for all is key for a thriving online community. Emphasize respecting and celebrating diversity, discouraging discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, or other factors. By promoting diversity and inclusion, you foster a sense of belonging, encouraging members to share their unique perspectives and experiences.

To promote diversity and inclusion, consider these strategies:

Inclusive Content

Ensure your community's content represents diverse voices, experiences, and perspectives.

Open Communication

Encourage members to share their thoughts and opinions, providing a safe and respectful space for discussion.

Approach Details
Celebrate Differences Organize events, activities, or discussions celebrating diverse cultures, backgrounds, and identities.
Provide Resources and Support Offer resources and support for underrepresented groups, such as mentorship programs, training, or exclusive content access.

Respect and Acceptance

1. Establish Guidelines

Clearly outline expectations for respectful and inclusive behavior within the community.

2. Lead by Example

As a community leader, model the behavior you want to see from members.

3. Address Concerns

Promptly address any instances of discrimination or disrespect, reinforcing the community's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Review and Update Guidelines Regularly

Reviewing and updating your community guidelines is important. Set a schedule to check the guidelines often, like every few months. Ask members for their thoughts to find areas that need improvement. Change the guidelines as needed to address new issues or concerns in the community.

Key Steps:

  1. Schedule Regular Reviews: Set a timeline for reviewing the guidelines, like every 3 or 6 months.
  2. Get Member Feedback: Ask members to share their thoughts on the guidelines through surveys, group discussions, or open forums.
  3. Analyze and Improve: Look at the feedback, identify areas that need work, and update the guidelines.
  4. Share Changes: Let members know about any updates or changes to the guidelines, and explain why the changes were made.
Step Details
1. Schedule Reviews Set a regular timeline, like quarterly or bi-annually
2. Gather Feedback Use surveys, focus groups, or open discussions
3. Analyze and Refine Review feedback and identify areas for improvement
4. Communicate Changes Clearly explain updates to the community

Regularly reviewing and updating guidelines helps ensure they stay relevant and effective. Involving members in the process provides valuable insights to improve the guidelines and maintain a positive community environment.

Community Guidelines Template


  • Welcome to our community! Our goal is to create a safe and friendly space for discussion and teamwork.
  • These guidelines explain the importance of rules and how they will be enforced.

Positive Behavior

  • We encourage:
    • Respectful communication
    • Active participation
    • Sharing knowledge and experience
    • Providing helpful feedback

Rules and Restrictions

  • Prohibited behaviors:
    • Hate speech, harassment, bullying
    • Spamming or excessive self-promotion
  • Content guidelines:
    • No off-topic or irrelevant posts
    • No explicit or offensive material
  • Consequences for breaking rules:
    • Warning
    • Temporary suspension
    • Permanent ban

Reporting Violations

Process Details
Contact Email [email protected]
Report Form Use the Violation Report Form
Handling Moderators review reports and take appropriate action

Moderation Process

Role Responsibility
Moderators Review reported violations and enforce guidelines
Process 1. Review report
2. Investigate violation
3. Issue warning, suspension, or ban as needed


Violation Consequence
Minor Warning
Repeated Temporary suspension
Severe Permanent ban
Appeals Contact moderators to appeal decisions


Creating clear community guidelines is vital for a positive online community. By following these practices, you can build a safe and welcoming space for members:

Define Your Purpose

  • Establish a clear mission statement outlining your community's goals and values.
  • This purpose guides the development of guidelines aligned with your vision.

Set Clear Rules

  • Outline acceptable and prohibited behavior.
  • State consequences for breaking rules, such as warnings, suspensions, or bans.

Encourage Positive Interactions

  • Suggest ways for respectful conversations and open discussions.
  • Create opportunities for members to connect and build a sense of community.
  • Lead by example and recognize positive behavior.

Protect User Privacy and Safety

  • Define and prohibit cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Educate users on online safety practices.
  • Provide an easy way to report violations.

Maintain Content Quality

Action Details
Set Content Guidelines Define high-quality content and acceptable formats
Encourage Relevant Discussions Ask open-ended questions, share experiences, provide resources
Discourage Off-Topic Content Define off-topic, stay on topic, remove or redirect off-topic posts
Promote Respect Encourage courtesy, outline consequences for disrespect

Establish Moderation Process

Role Responsibility
Moderators Review reported violations, enforce guidelines
Process 1. Review report
2. Investigate violation
3. Issue warning, suspension, or ban

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

  • Ensure inclusive content representing diverse voices and perspectives.
  • Encourage open communication and respect for differences.
  • Address concerns promptly, reinforcing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Review and Update Guidelines

1. Schedule Regular Reviews: Set a timeline, like every 3 or 6 months.

2. Get Member Feedback: Use surveys, discussions, or open forums.

3. Analyze and Improve: Review feedback and identify areas for improvement.

4. Share Changes: Explain updates to the community.

Consistently enforcing and promoting your guidelines is key to maintaining a healthy community. Review and update them regularly to ensure they remain relevant and effective.


What are common community guidelines?

Here are some typical community guidelines you might see in a group:

  • Respectful communication
  • No hate speech or discrimination
  • Respect privacy
  • No spam
  • Content must be relevant
  • No illegal activities
  • Credit sources
  • No explicit content

How will you enforce the rules of your community?

To ensure fair and consistent enforcement of community rules, these methods can be used:

Method Details
Clear Guidelines Develop transparent and easy-to-understand rules
Uniform Enforcement Apply rules equally to all members
Consistent Procedures Establish standard processes for reporting and addressing violations
Communication and Education Inform members about rules and expectations
Fair Consequences Implement appropriate penalties for rule-breaking

What should be included in community guidelines?

All community guidelines should include:

  1. Purpose and Mission Statement: Explain the community's goals and values.

  2. Code of Conduct:

    • Rules and restrictions
    • Expected respectful behavior
    • Prohibited and allowed content
    • Acceptable language
  3. Consequences: Outline what will happen if rules are violated.

How to write community rules?

  1. Start with the End in Mind: Determine the desired community environment.
  2. Figure Out Your Goals: Identify the purpose and values you want to promote.
  3. Write with Members in Mind: Consider their needs and perspectives.
  4. Be Clear and Direct: Use simple, straightforward language.
  5. Include Rules Against Hate Speech and Discrimination: Promote inclusivity and respect.
  6. Don't Go Overboard: Keep rules concise and focused on essentials.
  7. Get Necessary Approvals: Ensure guidelines align with organizational policies.
  8. Make Guidelines Visible: Ensure members can easily find and understand the rules.

How to write community guidelines?

  1. Start with the End in Mind: Determine the desired community environment.
  2. Figure Out Your Goals: Identify the purpose and values you want to promote.
  3. Write with Members in Mind: Consider their needs and perspectives.
  4. Be Clear and Direct: Use simple, straightforward language.
  5. Include Rules Against Hate Speech and Discrimination: Promote inclusivity and respect.
  6. Don't Go Overboard: Keep rules concise and focused on essentials.
  7. Get Necessary Approvals: Ensure guidelines align with organizational policies.
  8. Make Guidelines Visible: Ensure members can easily find and understand the rules.

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