10 Influencer Marketing KPIs to Track ROI

published on 08 July 2024

Want to know if your influencer marketing is working? Here are the 10 key performance indicators (KPIs) you need to track:

  1. Reach and Impressions
  2. Engagement Rate
  3. Follower Growth
  4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  5. Conversion Rate
  6. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  7. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  8. Brand Sentiment
  9. User-Generated Content (UGC)
  10. Earned Media Value (EMV)

These KPIs help you measure campaign success, improve future efforts, and maximize ROI. To track them effectively:

  • Set clear SMART goals
  • Use tools like Google Analytics
  • Analyze data regularly
  • Address attribution challenges
  • Consider long-term impact

By focusing on these metrics, you'll gain valuable insights to optimize your influencer marketing strategy and drive better results.

KPI What It Measures
Reach/Impressions Audience size
Engagement Rate Audience interaction
Follower Growth New audience gained
CTR Link clicks
Conversion Rate Desired actions taken
CPA Cost to acquire customers
ROAS Revenue per dollar spent
Brand Sentiment Audience perception
UGC Audience-created content
EMV Value of earned coverage

What is Influencer Marketing ROI?

Influencer marketing ROI shows how much money a brand makes from its influencer campaigns compared to what it spends. It helps brands see if their campaigns are worth the cost.

Parts of Influencer Marketing ROI

Influencer marketing ROI has two main parts:

Costs Returns
• Influencer fees • Sales
• Content creation • Ad creatives
• Products or services • Social proof
• Shipping • Reviews
• Ad spend • Customer engagement
• Staff time • Website traffic
• Third-party tools • New leads
• Brand awareness

ROI Beyond Sales

While sales are key, influencer marketing can do more than just boost numbers. It can:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Increase engagement
  • Create loyal customers

These benefits can help a brand grow over time. When looking at ROI, it's smart to think about both numbers (like sales) and other factors (like brand growth).

Before You Start: Campaign Planning

Before starting an influencer marketing campaign, set clear goals. This helps make your campaign focused and easy to measure.

Setting Clear Campaign Goals

Use SMART goals for your campaign:

SMART Criteria Explanation Example
Specific Clear and defined Increase brand awareness
Measurable Can be tracked By 30%
Achievable Realistic Within your budget and resources
Relevant Fits your marketing plan Aligns with overall strategy
Time-bound Has a deadline Within the next three months

Think about what you want from your campaign. Do you want more sales, leads, or brand awareness? Be clear about your goals and how you'll measure success.

Matching KPIs to Marketing Stages

After setting goals, choose KPIs that fit each stage of the customer journey:

Marketing Stage Goal KPIs to Track
Awareness Increase brand recognition Reach, impressions
Consideration Engage potential customers Engagement rate, comments
Conversion Drive sales or actions Conversion rate, cost per acquisition
Loyalty Keep customers coming back Repeat purchase rate, customer lifetime value

Pick KPIs that match your main goal. This helps you track the right numbers and see if your campaign is working.

10 Key Influencer Marketing KPIs

To make sure your influencer marketing campaign works well, you need to track the right numbers. Here are 10 important KPIs to watch:

1. Reach and Impressions

This shows how many people saw your influencer's content. It helps you know how many people your campaign might reach.

2. Engagement Rate

This is the percentage of people who interacted with the content (likes, comments, shares, saves). It shows if people liked what they saw.

3. Follower Growth

This tracks how many new followers your brand gets from the campaign. It helps you see if you're growing your audience.

4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This is the percentage of people who clicked on your website link from the influencer's content. It shows if people want to learn more about your brand.

5. Conversion Rate

This is the percentage of people who did what you wanted, like buying something or signing up for emails. It shows if your campaign leads to actions.

6. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

This is how much it costs to get one new customer. It helps you see if your campaign is worth the money.

7. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

This shows how much money you make for each dollar you spend on the campaign. It helps you know if your campaign is making money.

8. Brand Sentiment

This looks at what people think about your brand after seeing the campaign. It can be good, bad, or neutral.

9. User-Generated Content (UGC)

This is content that users make about your brand, like reviews or social media posts. It shows if people are talking about you.

10. Earned Media Value (EMV)

This measures the value of free media coverage you get from the campaign, like news stories or reviews. It helps you see the extra benefits of your campaign.


How to Measure and Analyze KPIs

To track influencer marketing KPIs well, you need good tools and methods. Here's what you should know:

KPI Tracking Tools

Good tools can help you measure how well your influencer marketing is doing. Some useful tools are:

Tool What it Does
Launchmetrics Insights Tracks reach, engagement, and ROI
InsightIQ Finds influencers and measures campaign results
Google Analytics Shows website traffic and user behavior

These tools can help you see how your campaigns are doing and make them better.

Tips for Data Collection and Analysis

To use these tools well, follow these tips:

  • Know what you want to achieve before you start
  • Use UTM codes to track where website visitors come from
  • Look at likes, comments, and shares on social media
  • Check who your audience is and what they do
  • Look at your data often to see what's working and what's not

Making Sense of KPI Data

Using KPI data to improve future campaigns.

Getting Useful Insights from Data

When looking at KPI data, find patterns that can help with future campaigns. Here's how to use KPI data to make campaigns better:

Technique Description
Compare campaigns Look at how different campaigns did to see what works best
Find weak spots See where campaigns didn't do well and fix those areas
Look at audience groups Break down audience info to understand who likes your content

Improving Future Campaigns with KPI Data

Use past data to make new campaigns better. Here's what to do:

Action How to Do It
Pick better influencers Choose influencers who did well before and fit your audience
Change content Use types of content that worked well in the past
Set good goals and budgets Make goals you can reach and use money wisely

Problems in Measuring Influencer Marketing ROI

Measuring how well influencer marketing works can be hard. Brands often have trouble knowing which parts of their campaigns are doing well. This section looks at common problems in measuring influencer marketing ROI and how to fix them.

Attribution Challenges

It's hard to know which influencer or post led to a sale. This makes it tough to measure ROI. A study shows that while many US marketers use influencer marketing, figuring out if it's worth the money is still a big problem.

To help with this, brands can use:

Method How it Helps
Affiliate codes Track sales from specific influencers
Custom URLs See which links people click
Shoppable posts Let people buy directly from posts

These tools help brands see which parts of their campaigns are working.

Measuring Long-Term Impact

Many brands only look at short-term results like likes, clicks, and sales. But it's also important to see how campaigns affect the brand over time.

To measure long-term impact, brands can track:

Metric What it Shows
Customer lifetime value How much a customer spends over time
Brand sentiment What people think about the brand
User-generated content How much people talk about the brand

These numbers help brands see if their campaigns are working well over time and how to make them better.


Why KPI Tracking Matters

Tracking KPIs is key for good influencer marketing. It helps brands:

Benefit Description
Measure success See how well campaigns work
Find weak spots Know what needs to get better
Make smart choices Use facts to plan future campaigns

By watching KPIs, brands can:

  • Make their influencer marketing work better
  • Get more people to know about them
  • Sell more products

What's Next in Influencer Marketing Measurement

Influencer marketing keeps changing, and so does how we measure it. New things coming up include:

New Trend What It Does
AI for finding influencers Helps pick the best people for campaigns
Better data tools Shows more about how campaigns work
AR experiences Makes ads more fun and easy to measure

Also, brands will care more about being good for society. They'll want to know how their campaigns help people and the world.

As things change, brands need to:

  • Keep learning about new tools
  • Try new ways to measure success
  • Be ready to change how they do things

This will help them stay on top of influencer marketing as it grows and changes.


How do you measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing?

To check if influencer marketing works well:

  1. Track important numbers (KPIs) like:

    • Website visits
    • People interacting with posts
    • Sales or sign-ups
  2. Compare these numbers to your goals often

  3. Look for ways to make things better

How to measure the success of influencer marketing?

To see if your influencer marketing is doing well:

  1. Watch these key numbers:
Number to Track What It Means
Reach How many people saw the content
Engagement How many people liked, commented, or shared
New Followers How many new people followed your brand
Clicks How many people clicked your links
Sales How many people bought something
Cost per New Customer How much you spent to get one new customer
Money Made vs. Money Spent How much you earned compared to what you spent
  1. Check these numbers often

  2. Use what you learn to make your next campaigns better

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