10 Membership Perks to Monetize Your Creator Business

published on 12 July 2024

Want to make money as a creator? Offer these 10 membership perks:

  1. Early access
  2. Exclusive content
  3. Merchandise
  4. Community interaction
  5. Behind-the-scenes access
  6. Live events/workshops
  7. Personalized experiences
  8. Voting rights
  9. Ad-free experience
  10. Tiered membership levels
Perk Benefit for Creators Benefit for Fans
Early access Build excitement Feel special
Exclusive content Steady income More value
Merchandise Additional revenue Tangible items
Community Stronger connection Sense of belonging
Behind-the-scenes Show your process Insider access
Live events Direct interaction Memorable experiences
Personalization Learn about fans Tailored content
Voting rights Fan input Feel involved
Ad-free Cleaner experience Uninterrupted viewing
Tiered levels Flexible pricing Options for all budgets

Offering these perks helps you earn regular income, build loyalty, and give fans extra value. Start small and adjust based on what works for your audience.

Why Offer Membership Perks?

Giving special benefits to paying fans can help creators a lot. Here's why it's a good idea:

Benefit For Creators For Fans
Money Get regular income each month Support their favorite creators
Connection Get to know fans better Feel closer to the creator
Involvement Get fans more interested in their work Have a say in what's made
Freedom Can focus on making good content Get special content

Let's look at each benefit:

Regular Income: When fans pay each month, creators know how much money they'll get. This helps them plan better.

Better Fan Connection: By giving fans special stuff, creators can make them feel more important. This makes fans want to stick around.

More Fan Involvement: Creators can ask fans what they think about new ideas. This makes fans feel like they're part of the team.

Freedom to Create: With steady money coming in, creators can try new things without worrying so much about money.

1. Early Access

Early access lets paying fans see new content before others. This makes fans feel special and can make them more loyal.

Here's how early access works:

What Creators Offer What Fans Get
New content before public release Feel special and valued
Sneak peeks of upcoming work Chance to give feedback
Exclusive shows or events First look at new material

For example, a musician might let paying fans hear new songs before they're out for everyone. This does two things:

  1. Makes fans happy by giving them something special
  2. Lets the creator get feedback before the big release

Early access can also build excitement for new content. When fans know something is coming, they get eager to see it.

By using early access, creators can:

  • Build a stronger fan base
  • Keep fans interested in their work
  • Make fans feel like they're part of the process

This perk is a good way for creators to thank their most supportive fans and keep them coming back for more.

2. Exclusive Content

Exclusive content is a great way to reward your paying fans. It makes them feel special and more likely to keep supporting you. Here are some ideas for exclusive content:

What Creators Give What Fans Get
Extra episodes or behind-the-scenes stuff More of what they like
Shows or podcasts without ads Better listening
New videos or music before others First look at new work
Private lessons or classes One-on-one learning
Special items or discounts Unique things or savings

Exclusive content can be many things:

  • Extra episodes
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Ad-free shows
  • Early access to new work
  • Private lessons
  • Special items to buy

By giving exclusive content, you can build a strong group of fans who will pay to support you and tell others about your work.

For example:

  • A podcaster might give extra episodes or ad-free shows to paying fans
  • A musician might let paying fans hear new songs first or buy special items

This helps creators connect better with their fans and do better in their work.

3. Merchandise and Physical Goods

Selling special items to your paying fans can help you make more money and build a stronger fan base. Here's how you can do this:

Making Your Own Stuff

You can make things like:

Item Examples
Clothes T-shirts, hoodies, hats
Bags Tote bags, backpacks
Other items Mugs, stickers, pins

Put your name or sayings on these items. If you use YouTube, you can show your stuff under your videos using YouTube's Merch Shelf.

Working with Fans

Get your fans involved in making stuff:

  • Have contests where fans design items
  • Ask fans to help with designs for merch or song covers
  • This makes fans feel like they're part of your team

Special Items

Make some items that are only available for a short time:

  • Design clothes that you only sell once
  • Work with fans to make special items
  • This can make your fans excited to buy your stuff

For example, you could make a special t-shirt for a big event or when you reach a goal.

By selling these items, you can:

  • Make more money
  • Make your fans feel special
  • Build a stronger group of supporters

4. Community Interaction

Building a group of fans around your work helps keep people interested and can make you money. One good way to do this is by giving special ways for paying fans to talk with you and each other.

Making Fans Feel Like They Belong

When you make a special place for your fans to talk, work together, and help each other, they feel like they're part of something. You can do this by:

  • Making private chat rooms or message boards where fans can share ideas and ask questions
  • Having live chats where fans can talk to you and each other right away
  • Putting on special events like online classes or meetups where fans can learn from each other

Getting Fans to Join In

To get fans to talk more in your group, you can:

  • Show off what fans do, like their art or ideas, on your page
  • Give fans special deals or let them see new stuff first
  • Ask fans what they think about your new ideas

Here's a quick look at how community interaction can help:

For Creators For Fans
Learn what fans like Feel closer to the creator
Get ideas for new work Meet other fans
Build a loyal group of supporters Have a say in what's made

By making a place where fans can talk and share, you can:

  • Keep fans interested in your work
  • Make fans feel special
  • Get help and ideas from your biggest supporters

5. Behind-the-Scenes Access

Showing your fans how you make your content can help them feel closer to you. This can make them want to keep supporting you.

Here are some ways to show behind-the-scenes stuff:

Type What to Show
How You Work Share how you're doing on your projects
Funny Moments Show bloopers or silly things that happen
Personal Stories Tell stories about you and your team
Team Work Show how your team works together

When you show behind-the-scenes stuff, you can:

  • Make fans feel closer to you
  • Get fans more interested in your work
  • Show how much work you put in
  • Give fans something special

6. Live Events and Workshops

Giving your paying fans special live events and workshops can help them feel closer to you and your work. These events can make fans happy and help you earn more money.

Here are some ideas for live events and workshops:

Event Type What It Is
Classes Teach fans something new about what you do
Ask Me Anything Let fans ask you questions live
Meet-Ups Meet your fans in person
Group Learning Have fans learn from you and other experts

When you do live events and workshops, you can:

  • Make fans feel special
  • Give fans fun experiences they'll remember
  • Build a group of fans who really like you
  • Make more money from ticket sales

These events help fans feel like they're part of something special. They can learn new things, meet you, and talk to other fans who like your work.

7. Personalized Experiences

Giving your paying fans special, personalized content can make them feel important and want to keep supporting you. Here are some ways to do this:

Quizzes and Games

Make fun quizzes or games that:

  • Help you learn what your fans like
  • Give fans content based on their answers

For example, you could make a quiz that shows fans what type of person they are, then give them content that fits their type.

Location-Based Content

Use technology to find out where your fans are. This lets you:

  • Give fans deals based on where they live
  • Show content that matters to their area

Make It Fun

Add things like:

  • Scores
  • Badges
  • Prizes

This can make fans want to join in more and keep coming back.

Special Messages

Send emails or messages just for each fan. You can:

  • Split your fans into groups based on what they like
  • Send each group content they'll enjoy

Here's a quick look at how personalized experiences can help:

For Creators For Fans
Learn more about fans Get content they like
Keep fans interested Feel special
Make fans want to stay Have more fun

8. Voting Rights and Input

Letting fans help decide what you make can make them feel more connected to your work. This can make them more likely to support you with money. Here are some ways to do this:

Ask Fans What They Think

Set up ways for fans to tell you what they like:

Method How It Works
Surveys Ask fans questions about your work
Polls Let fans vote on simple choices
Comments Read what fans say on social media

Use what fans tell you to make your work better.

Let Fans Choose What You Make

Give fans choices about your work:

Choices Examples
Topics What to talk about next
Formats Video or podcast
Guests Who to interview

This makes fans feel like they're part of your team.

Special Choices for Paying Fans

Let paying fans make big choices:

  • Pick the next video topic
  • Choose the theme for a podcast series
  • Decide on new merch designs

This makes paying fans feel extra special and important.

By letting fans help make choices, you can:

  • Make fans feel more connected to your work
  • Get fans more excited about what you do
  • Make fans want to keep supporting you

9. Ad-Free Experience

Giving your paying fans content without ads can make them happier. This can help you make more money and keep fans coming back. Here's how it works:

What It Is How It Helps
No ads in your content Fans enjoy your work more
Better viewing for paying fans Fans feel they get more for their money
Different levels of ad removal You can offer different membership tiers

You can use tools like MemberPress to hide ads from paying fans. This lets you:

  • Take away ads for some fans but not others
  • Hide different parts of your site, like sidebars or popups
  • Make your paid content feel special

By offering ad-free content, you can:

  • Make your fans' experience better
  • Get fans to pay for memberships
  • Stand out from other creators

Think about having different levels of ad-free content:

Membership Level What They Get
Lower-tier Some ads removed
Higher-tier All ads removed

This way, you can make your membership program fit what different fans want and can pay for.

10. Tiered Membership Levels

Offering different membership levels can help you make more money from your work. By giving fans choices, you can meet their needs and budgets.

Here's how tiered memberships work:

  • You create different levels with different perks
  • Fans choose the level they want
  • Higher levels cost more but offer more benefits

This setup helps you:

  • Make more money from loyal fans
  • Give fans options based on what they can pay
  • Offer special things to your biggest supporters

Here's a simple way to set up membership levels:

Level What You Get
Basic Some content, monthly emails
Middle More content, deals on events
Top Best content, big discounts, special events

By using tiers, you can:

  • Sell more to happy fans
  • Know which fans want what
  • Send the right messages to the right fans

Tiers make it easy for fans to support you at a level that works for them. This can lead to more steady income for you and happy fans who feel they're getting good value.

How to Set Up Membership Perks

Setting up membership perks is easy. Here's how to do it:

Choose Good Perks

Pick perks your fans will like:

Ask Yourself Examples
What do fans want? Exclusive content, early access
What can you offer? Behind-the-scenes videos, special events

Set Up Price Levels

Make different price levels with different perks:

Level Price Perks
Basic Low Some extra content
Middle Medium More content, small discounts
Top High All content, big discounts, special events

Use Helpful Tools

Use websites that help you run memberships:

These sites make it easy to:

  • Make price levels
  • Keep track of perks
  • Talk to your fans

Tell Fans About Your Perks

Make sure fans know what they get:

  • Send emails
  • Post on social media
  • Tell them in your videos or podcasts

Check and Fix

Keep an eye on how things are going:

  • Ask fans what they think
  • See which perks people like most
  • Change things if needed


Great job! You've learned about 10 ways to offer special perks to your paying fans. These perks can help you:

For You For Your Fans
Make steady money Feel special
Build a strong fan base Get extra content
Focus on making good stuff Be part of a group

Remember these key points:

  • Know what your fans like
  • Give them perks they want
  • Make them feel part of a team

It's okay to try different things. See what works best for you and your fans.

As you start offering perks:

  • Ask fans what they think
  • Change things if needed
  • Keep making your perks better

By giving fans special perks, you can:

  • Make more money from your work
  • Keep fans happy and interested
  • Build a strong group of supporters

Start small and grow your perks over time. Good luck with your creator business!


How do I monetize my membership?

To make money from your membership:

  1. Offer special things to fans who pay
  2. Charge a regular fee for these special things

Here's what you can offer:

What to Offer Examples
Early access Let fans see new stuff first
Exclusive content Make special videos or posts just for paying fans
Merchandise Sell t-shirts or other items
Community access Let fans talk to each other and you
Behind-the-scenes Show how you make your content
Live events Do special online or in-person meetups
Personal experiences Make content just for one fan
Voting rights Let fans help choose what you make next
No ads Remove ads for paying fans
Different levels Offer more to fans who pay more

By giving fans good stuff, you can:

  • Get money each month
  • Keep fans happy
  • Build a group of loyal supporters

What are the perks of membership?

Membership perks are the good things fans get when they pay to support you. These can include:

Perk Type What It Is
Special content Videos, posts, or music just for members
Early access Seeing new stuff before others
Community Talking to you and other fans
Events Special online or in-person meetups
Stuff to buy T-shirts, mugs, or other items

Good perks make fans feel:

  • Special
  • Part of a group
  • Important to you

This can make fans want to keep supporting you, which means more money for your work.

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