How to Create a Branded Hashtag in 5 Steps

published on 08 June 2024

Creating a branded hashtag is an effective way to boost your brand's visibility, engage your audience, and build a community on social media. Here are the key steps to create a successful branded hashtag:

  1. Define Your Goals and Know Your Audience

    • Establish clear objectives (e.g., increase brand awareness, promote a product, foster engagement)
    • Understand your target audience's characteristics, preferred social platforms, and content interests
  2. Research and Find Ideas

    • Study competitors' hashtags and what works in your industry
    • Find trending keywords and hashtags related to your brand
    • Brainstorm short, memorable options aligned with your brand
  3. Evaluate and Choose the Best Hashtag

    • Assess options based on length, memorability, uniqueness, and relevance
    • Check if the hashtag is already in use or associated with undesirable content
    • Compare top options using a table to visualize strengths and weaknesses
  4. Promote the Branded Hashtag

    • Use the hashtag consistently across marketing campaigns and events
    • Partner with influencers whose followers align with your target audience
    • Run contests or challenges that encourage users to post content with your hashtag
  5. Track, Interact, and Improve

    • Use analytics tools to monitor metrics like reach, impressions, and engagement
    • Engage with users by liking, commenting, and resharing their content
    • Refine your strategy based on data and feedback to maximize the hashtag's impact

By following these steps, you can create a branded hashtag that resonates with your audience, boosts visibility, and fosters a strong online community around your brand.

1. Define Your Goals and Know Your Audience

Before creating a branded hashtag, it's crucial to establish clear objectives and understand your target audience. Ask yourself:

What do you want to achieve?

  • Increase brand awareness?
  • Promote a specific product or campaign?
  • Foster customer engagement?
  • Build a community around your brand?

Who is your target audience?

Audience Characteristics Details
Target Customers Who are they? (e.g., age, location, interests)
Social Media Platforms Which platforms do they use most?
Content Preferences What type of content do they engage with?

Having a clear understanding of your goals and audience will help you create a hashtag that resonates with them and encourages them to share content related to your brand.

2. Research and Find Ideas

Study Your Competitors

Look at the hashtags your competitors use. See what works well in your industry. Use tools to analyze:

  • What hashtags they use
  • How often they post with hashtags
  • How much engagement their hashtags get

This research helps you find gaps and ways to stand out.

Use Relevant Keywords

Find trending keywords and hashtags related to your brand. This helps people discover your brand and boosts engagement. Use tools like:

Brainstorm Options

Come up with a list of potential hashtags. Focus on ideas that are:

  • Short
  • Memorable
  • Aligned with your brand

Consider using:

  • Wordplay
  • Alliteration (words starting with the same sound)
  • Rhymes

Keep your target audience in mind. Tailor your brainstorming to their interests.

Brainstorming Tips
Use your brand name or slogan
Incorporate product names
Keep it short and catchy
Align with your brand identity
Consider your audience's interests

3. Evaluate and Choose the Best Hashtag

Assess Each Option

When evaluating potential hashtag options, create a checklist to assess each one based on these key factors:

  • Length: Shorter is better. Aim for a maximum of 2-3 words.
  • Memorability: Is the hashtag easy to remember and type?
  • Uniqueness: Is the hashtag unique to your brand, or is it already in use by others?
  • Relevance: Does the hashtag align with your brand identity and target audience?

Check Availability

Use social media search features and tools to check if the hashtags are already in use or associated with undesirable content. Ensure there are no negative connotations. Research the hashtag on various platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Compare Options

Compare the top hashtag options using a table that evaluates each one based on the criteria. This will help you visualize the strengths and weaknesses of each option and make an informed decision.

Hashtag Option Length Memorability Uniqueness Relevance
#MyBrandName 2 words Easy to remember Unique Aligns with brand identity
#MyProductLaunch 2 words Easy to remember Already in use Relevant to product launch
#MyBrandSlogan 3 words Hard to remember Unique Aligns with brand identity

4. Promote the Branded Hashtag

Promoting your branded hashtag is key to boosting its visibility, engagement, and adoption. A well-planned promotion strategy can encourage employees, influencers, and brand advocates to use and share content with the hashtag.

Use in Marketing Campaigns

Consistently use the branded hashtag across all your marketing campaigns, product launches, and events. Integrate it into your social media posts on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. This creates a unified brand voice and motivates users to share content related to your brand.

Partner with Influencers

Collaborate with influencers whose followers align with your target audience. Encourage them to create engaging content using your branded hashtag, and re-share or feature their posts on your social media channels. This increases the hashtag's exposure.

Engage Users

Run contests, challenges, or campaigns that incentivize users to post content using your branded hashtag. For example:

  • Offer discounts or free products
  • Feature user-generated content on your social media channels

This encourages users to engage with your brand and share their experiences.

Promotion Tactics Benefits
Use in Marketing Campaigns Creates a unified brand voice, encourages user engagement
Partner with Influencers Increases hashtag exposure to relevant audiences
Engage Users with Contests/Challenges Motivates users to create and share branded content

5. Track, Interact, and Improve

Keeping an eye on how your branded hashtag is used and engaging with users is key. Use tools to track its performance, interact with those sharing content, and make changes to boost its impact.

Use Analytics Tools

Monitor metrics like reach, impressions, and engagement using tools like Brandwatch, Hashtagify, or Sprout Social. This data shows how well the hashtag is doing and where you can improve. Look for areas to optimize your content and promotional strategies.

Engage with Users

Show appreciation by liking, commenting, and resharing user-generated content with your hashtag. This encourages continued use and builds community. Respond to comments, answer questions, and acknowledge user posts to show your brand cares about its audience.

Refine Your Strategy

Analyze the data you've collected and adjust your approach to improve the hashtag's performance. Address any negative feedback or unintended use promptly. Tweak your content, targeting, and promotional channels to maximize the hashtag's impact. Continuously monitoring and refining your strategy ensures the hashtag's long-term success.

Tracking and Improving Benefits
Use Analytics Tools Gain insights to optimize content and promotion
Engage with Users Encourage continued use, build community
Refine Your Strategy Address issues, maximize hashtag impact


Creating a branded hashtag is a great way to boost your brand's visibility, get people engaged, and build a community on social media. This guide outlines 5 simple steps to help you do it:

  1. Set Clear Goals and Know Your Audience

    • Decide what you want to achieve (e.g., increase brand awareness, promote a product, foster engagement)
    • Understand your target audience's characteristics, preferred social platforms, and content interests
  2. Research and Find Ideas

    • Study competitors' hashtags and see what works well in your industry
    • Find trending keywords and hashtags related to your brand
    • Brainstorm options that are short, memorable, and aligned with your brand
  3. Evaluate and Choose the Best Hashtag

    • Assess each option based on length, memorability, uniqueness, and relevance
    • Check if the hashtag is already in use or associated with undesirable content
    • Compare the top options using a table to visualize their strengths and weaknesses
  4. Promote the Branded Hashtag

    • Use the hashtag consistently across marketing campaigns, product launches, and events
    • Partner with influencers whose followers align with your target audience
    • Run contests or challenges that encourage users to post content with your hashtag
  5. Track, Interact, and Improve

    • Use analytics tools to monitor metrics like reach, impressions, and engagement
    • Engage with users by liking, commenting, and resharing their content
    • Refine your strategy based on data and feedback to maximize the hashtag's impact


What is an example of a branded hashtag?

A branded hashtag is a unique hashtag created specifically for a brand, product, or business. Its purpose is to promote the brand. Some well-known examples include:

  • #ShareACoke by Coca-Cola
  • #LikeAGirl by Always

Where do branded hashtags work best?

Branded hashtags are social tags used to identify and categorize content related to a brand. They function like regular hashtags on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These hashtags often incorporate a brand's name or slogan (e.g., #GlossierIRL).

How do you create a good branded hashtag?

To create an effective branded hashtag:

  1. Decide on the type of hashtag (brand name, product, campaign, etc.).
  2. Brainstorm catchy and memorable options that represent your brand and resonate with your audience.
  3. Aim for 1-3 words maximum.
  4. Research to ensure the hashtag is unique and not already in use.
  5. Consider using techniques like alliteration, rhyme, humor, or wordplay to make it engaging.
Tips for Creating a Branded Hashtag
Keep it short (1-3 words)
Make it memorable and catchy
Ensure it's unique and relevant
Align with your brand identity
Use wordplay, rhyme, or alliteration
Research to avoid conflicts

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