Social media triggers anxiety: Tips for content creators

published on 26 February 2024

Feeling anxious because of social media is common for content creators. This article provides practical tips to manage and reduce anxiety, including:

  • Recognizing symptoms like panic, sadness, and excessive phone checking.
  • Understanding causes such as the pressure to be perfect and the impact of algorithms.
  • Establishing healthy habits like setting specific times for social media use and focusing on personal progress.
  • Creating a supportive online environment by following positive accounts and managing interactions.
  • Balancing online and offline activities and practicing anxiety reduction techniques like deep breathing and taking walks.
  • Seeking professional help if needed and tailoring your approach to different platforms to maintain mental well-being.

Whether you're on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or Twitch, this guide offers platform-specific advice to keep your social media experience healthy and enjoyable.

Understanding Social Media-Induced Anxiety

Social media can make content creators feel really stressed and anxious. Being always online, comparing yourself to others, and feeling like you have to keep making new stuff can make you feel pretty bad. Let's look at why this happens and what it feels like.


Here are some common signs that social media is making you anxious:

  • Physical stuff like feeling panicky, sick to your stomach, not being able to sleep, or always feeling tired
  • Emotional stuff like worrying a lot, feeling sad, getting easily annoyed, or feeling lonely
  • What you do like not being able to stop checking your phone, or not wanting to hang out with people in real life

If you're feeling these things a lot, it might be a sign you need some extra help from a professional.


A few things make social media especially stressful for creators:

Trying to be perfect - Social media likes things to look super good, which can make you feel like you're never good enough. This pressure is really stressful.

Numbers game - When you worry too much about how many likes or followers you have, it can make you feel bad about yourself. It's like you're measuring how much people like you by these numbers.

Algorithms - Social media sites use special formulas to decide what to show people. This means creators try really hard to make stuff that these formulas will like, which can be exhausting.

FOMO - Seeing other people doing well online can make you feel like you're missing out. It's easy to start thinking you're not doing as well as them, which can make you unhappy with your own work.

Understanding these reasons can help you start fixing the not-so-great relationship you might have with social media. Making small changes to put your well-being first can really help ease the stress.

Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Healthy Social Media Habits

Unhealthy Habits Healthy Habits
Checking social media first thing in the morning and last thing at night Set specific times for checking social media, avoiding early morning and late night
Always comparing yourself to others Be happy for others and focus on your own progress
Spending too much time scrolling without a reason Log on with a clear purpose and stick to it
Thinking your value comes from likes and follows Measure success in a way that feels right to you

Supportive Online Environments

Make sure your online world is more positive. Follow people and groups that make you feel good. Join places where you can talk about struggles openly. If something or someone makes you stressed, don't hesitate to mute, block, or unfollow.


Check out this Mayo Clinic article for tips on mixing online and real-life activities. Making time for face-to-face chats can help fight off anxiety.

Anxiety Reduction Techniques

Feeling anxious? Try these ideas:

  • Step away from screens and do something fun
  • Write down your thoughts
  • Take a few minutes to breathe deeply or meditate
  • Chat with a supportive friend
  • Take a walk outside

Seek Help

If you're still feeling anxious about social media, this ADAA link can guide you to a professional who can help. Asking for help is strong and smart.


Tailoring Approaches by Platform

Managing anxiety can be different depending on the social media platform you're using, because each one has its own way of doing things and its own vibe. Here’s some advice tailored to specific platforms.


YouTube creators often feel pressured to make longer videos for more watch time.

  • Don’t worry about hitting the 10-minute mark. Make your videos as long or as short as they need to be.
  • Quality is more important than how long your video is.
  • It’s okay to take breaks between posting videos. Your value isn’t based on how often you post.


Instagram can make you compare yourself to others because it focuses a lot on looks.

  • Follow accounts that promote body positivity.
  • Keep in mind that photos are often heavily edited.
  • Use Instagram to connect with people who share your interests, not just to follow popular accounts.


TikTok’s feed can seem all over the place, and making quick videos can be stressful.

  • Customize your feed to see more relaxing content.
  • It’s fine to take breaks from TikTok if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Value your creativity in making short videos.


Twitter is fast-paced, and its short posts can sometimes feel blunt.

  • Stay out of arguments; they rarely lead to anything good.
  • Limit how much time you spend on Twitter.
  • Be careful about how much personal info you share.


Streaming live on Twitch is hard work. You have to react to comments live, and it can get intense.

  • Plan what you’re going to talk about ahead of time.
  • Have a set start and end time for your streams.
  • Control your chat by blocking anyone who’s being mean right away. You decide what’s okay in your space.

The main thing is to understand what makes each platform unique and then decide how you want to use them based on what’s best for your mental health.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Social media can really stress out people who make content for a living. It's hard always trying to think of new things to post and feeling like you have to keep up with everyone else. But, there are ways to make dealing with social media easier and healthier.

Here are the main points to remember:

  • Recognize the signs - Watch out for signs like always worrying, feeling down or alone, and not being able to stop checking social media. These might mean that social media is making you anxious.
  • Understand the causes - Trying to be perfect, worrying about likes and followers, how social media decides what to show people, and feeling left out can all make you anxious. Knowing why can help you deal with it better.
  • Establish healthy habits - Make rules for when and why you use social media. Focus on how you're doing, not on comparing yourself to others. Stick with online groups that make you feel good.
  • Practice self-care - Spend time doing things away from the screen and hanging out with people face-to-face. If you're feeling anxious, try writing down your thoughts, taking deep breaths, or talking to a friend. If things get too tough, it might be a good idea to talk to a professional.
  • Tailor your approach - Each social media site is different and can stress you out in its own way. Find out what bothers you on each site and change how you use it - like spending less time on Twitter, blocking mean people on Twitch, or following accounts on Instagram that make you feel good about yourself.

The most important thing is to look after your mental health. It's okay to take a break from social media if you need it. Be yourself and share things that are true to you without overdoing it. With some smart habits and taking care of yourself, you can enjoy being online without feeling too anxious.

Why do I get anxiety after posting on social media?

When you post something online, you might worry about what people think or fear they'll see you in a bad light. This worry can lead to feeling anxious. Remembering why you're on social media and caring less about likes might help you feel better.

How do I overcome social media anxiety?

Try to use social media more carefully - like turning off alerts, signing out, or limiting your time on it. Social media is okay in small amounts. Also, talking to a professional can really help if you're still feeling anxious.

Here are the four big reasons:

  • Feeling stressed because you always have to come up with new stuff to post
  • Feeling bad when you compare yourself to others
  • Worrying about missing out on things (FOMO)
  • Dealing with mean comments or negativity

How do I get over my fear of posting content?

Here are some tips to feel less scared about posting:

  • Change how you think - focus on what you want to achieve, not on what others might say
  • Post regularly to get used to it
  • Don't worry about likes, decide for yourself what success means
  • Let supportive friends see your posts first
  • Be true to who you are
  • Just go for it, even if it feels scary at first

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