YouTube Ad Specs & Sizes Guide 2024

published on 16 September 2024

Here's what you need to know about YouTube ad specs for 2024:

  • YouTube offers 8 main ad types: Skippable In-Stream, Non-Skippable In-Stream, Bumper, In-Feed Video, Display, Overlay, Masthead, and Shorts Ads
  • Key specs to remember:
    • Video resolution: 1080p (1920x1080) for most ads
    • Aspect ratios: 16:9 (horizontal), 9:16 (vertical), 1:1 (square)
    • File types: MP4, MOV, AVI common for video
    • Max file size: 1GB for most, up to 256GB for some
Ad Type Max Length Aspect Ratio File Size Limit
Skippable In-Stream 3 minutes 16:9 256GB
Non-Skippable In-Stream 15-20 seconds 16:9 128GB
Bumper Ads 6 seconds 16:9 1GB
YouTube Shorts 60 seconds 9:16 1GB

Tips for effective YouTube ads:

  • Hook viewers in the first 5 seconds
  • Keep most videos 15-30 seconds long
  • Use clear, eye-catching visuals
  • Include a strong call-to-action

YouTube ads can cost around HK$0.2 to HK$0.3 per 30-second view. With 2.6 billion monthly users, YouTube offers massive reach across 100+ countries.

Skippable In-Stream Ads

Skippable In-Stream Ads are YouTube's go-to ad format. They play before, during, or after videos, and viewers can skip them after 5 seconds. Here's what you need to know:

Video Specs

Aspect Specification
Resolution 1080p (Full HD)
Dimensions 1920x1080, 1080x1920, 1080x1080
Aspect Ratios 16:9, 9:16, 1:1
File Formats MP4, MOV, AVI, FLV, MPEG-4, WebM
Max File Size 256GB

Stick to 1080p for the best quality across devices.

Length Guidelines

Shorter is usually better:

  • Awareness campaigns: 15-20 seconds
  • Consideration campaigns: 2-3 minutes
  • Action campaigns: 15-20 seconds

Views only count if the video runs for more than 10 seconds on YouTube.

Companion Banner

On desktop, you can add a companion banner:

  • Size: 300x60 pixels
  • File types: JPG, static GIF, PNG
  • Max file size: 150KB

This banner appears next to your video ad, giving you extra space to grab attention.

Your first 5 seconds are CRUCIAL. Make them count!

Google's YouTube Advertising team says: "Frontload an attention-grabbing hook in your creative to keep viewers engaged and discourage skipping."

2. Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads are YouTube's heavy hitters. They play before, during, or after videos, and viewers MUST watch them to get to their content.

Video Specs and Time Limits

Here's what you need to know:

Aspect Details
Resolution 480p minimum, up to 4K
File Types MP4, MOV work best
Aspect Ratios 16:9, 4:3, 1:1
Length 15 seconds (20 in some places)

Go for the highest quality you can. But keep it SHORT. 15 seconds is your sweet spot.

Where They Show Up

These ads pop up:

  • Before videos (pre-roll)
  • During videos (mid-roll)
  • After videos (post-roll)

You'll see them on YouTube, YouTube TV, and across Google's video partner sites and apps.

Making Them Work

  1. Hook viewers FAST. You've got 5 seconds.
  2. Keep it snappy. 15 seconds is plenty.
  3. Think mobile. Small screens matter.
  4. Tell viewers what to do. A clear CTA is key.

"Non-skippable in-stream ads use Target CPM bidding, meaning you only pay for impressions", says Google's YouTube Advertising team.

Remember: These ads are powerful, but use them wisely. You're interrupting someone's viewing, so make it count.

3. Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are 6-second video ads that play before YouTube content. They're non-skippable, making them perfect for quick, memorable messages.

Why 6 Seconds Work

The 6-second limit isn't flexible. Here's why it's effective:

  • Viewers can't skip, so you have their full attention
  • Short ads work well on mobile devices
  • Google found that these ads boost brand recall

Creating Effective Bumper Ads

To make a great bumper ad:

  1. Focus on one message
  2. Use eye-catching visuals
  3. Add impactful sound
  4. Include a clear call-to-action
Aspect Details
Length 6 seconds
Resolution 640x360px or 480x360px
File Size Max 1GB
File Types AVI, ASF, MOV, MP4, MPEG
Bidding CPM

Don't just cut longer ads. Create bumpers from scratch for best results.

"Contextually relevant bumper ads can break through the noise." - Industry Leader

KFC used bumper ads to tease longer content, launching 6-second clips before a full 'unboxing' video weeks later.

4. In-Feed Video Ads

In-feed video ads are a big deal on YouTube. They pop up in search results, the Home feed, and the Watch Next section.

Catching Eyes with Images and Text

These ads use thumbnails and text to grab attention. Here's the lowdown:

Element Specs
Thumbnail 16:9, 9:16, or 1:1 aspect ratio
Headline Max 15 characters
Description Max 2 lines

Pro tip: Use eye-catching, high-quality images.

Video Guidelines

When someone clicks your ad, they see your video. Keep these rules in mind:

Spec Requirement
File size Up to 256 GB
Resolution 1080p is best
Length No limit

You only pay when someone watches your video (cost-per-view bidding).

A toy company used these ads for holiday promos. Result? More views, likes, and subscribers - without breaking the bank.

"Users typically watch one more video from a brand within 24 hours of seeing an in-feed ad." - Google

Setting up an in-feed ad? Here's how:

  1. Log into Google Ads
  2. Start a new campaign
  3. Pick "Awareness and consideration" as your goal
  4. Choose "Video views" for campaign type

5. Display Ads

Display ads on YouTube are a cheap way to get eyeballs on your brand. They show up next to videos or as overlays.

Image Sizes

YouTube's got a few display ad sizes:

Ad Size (pixels) Where It Goes
300 x 250 Standard display
300 x 60 YouTube Reserve buddies
300 x 600 Zagat only

The 300 x 250 is the go-to. It's big enough to grab attention without hogging the screen.

File Types and Moving Images

YouTube's cool with these file types:

  • GIF
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • HTML5 (for Google Ads standard display)


  • Keep it under 150KB
  • Max 30 seconds of animation
  • No sound unless clicked
  • Black/white background? Add a border

Pro tip: HTML5 lets you get fancy. But forget about Flash - it's a no-go.

Airbnb's 2022 display ad game was strong. They saw a 14% bump in ad recall and 7% more 18-34 year olds ready to book.

"Display ads let us tap into YouTube's massive audience without emptying our wallet", Airbnb's marketing lead said.

Want your display ads to work harder? Try this:

  1. Use clear, eye-catching images
  2. Keep text short and snappy
  3. Add a strong call-to-action
  4. Test different designs

6. Overlay Ads

Overlay ads are YouTube's sneaky little attention-grabbers. They're semi-transparent banners that pop up at the bottom of videos, taking up just 20% of the screen. The best part? They don't mess with the viewer's experience.

Sizes and Specs

YouTube gives you two main options:

Dimensions (pixels) Aspect Ratio
468 x 60 7.8:1
728 x 90 8.09:1

Keep these in mind:

  • Use JPG, PNG, or static GIF
  • Max file size: 150 KB
  • Text: Short and snappy

Make 'Em Click

The whole ad is clickable. It'll open your landing page in a new tab. Want more clicks? Try these:

  • Clear call-to-action (CTA)
  • Make your CTA pop
  • Link to a relevant page

Here's a trick: Add a companion banner (300x250 pixels) to drive your message home.

ActiveCampaign tried this in 2022. Result? 12% more clicks. Their marketing director said:

"Using both overlay and companion ads gave us more space to tell our story. We saw more engagement and conversions."

7. Masthead Ads

YouTube Masthead Ads are the big guns of video advertising. They're digital billboards on YouTube's homepage, reaching millions in 24 hours.

Video and Image Rules

For Masthead Ads:

  • Video: 16:9 ratio, 1920 x 1080+ resolution
  • Status: Public or Unlisted
  • Autoplay: Up to 30 seconds (no 0-second)
Asset Desktop Mobile TV
Video URL
CTA button
Channel art
Channel icon

Pro tip: Use the YouTube Masthead Preview tool to check your ad on different devices.

Fitting Different Screens

Masthead Ads use responsive formatting:

1. Desktop:

  • Choose "Widescreen" or "Standard video size"
  • Add up to 2 companion videos

2. Mobile:

  • Short headlines and CTAs
  • Add a supporting description

3. TV Screens:

  • Video is the star
  • Clear, readable headline

All devices show your video URL, headline, and CTA. But each has its quirks.

In 2022, HBO Max's "Harry Potter" 20th anniversary Masthead Ad boosted awareness by 12.7% and reached 49 million unique users.

"The YouTube Masthead allowed us to create massive awareness quickly. It was key to our campaign's success", said HBO Max's marketing director.

Masthead Ads aren't cheap - $300,000 to $400,000, or up to $1 million on big days like Super Bowl Sunday. But for major launches or brand pushes, they pack a punch.

8. YouTube Shorts Ads

YouTube Shorts Ads are vertical video ads in the Shorts feed. They blend with regular content, making them less disruptive.

Vertical Video Specs

Here's what you need to know:

Aspect Spec
Ratio 9:16
Resolution 1080x1920px
Length Max 60 seconds
Size Under 1GB
Format MP4 or MOV

Shorter is often better. The first 5-6 seconds are crucial.

Mobile-Friendly Ads

To make your Shorts Ads pop on phones:

  1. Hook viewers in 5 seconds
  2. Keep it short (15-30 seconds)
  3. Use big, clear text
  4. Add a strong CTA
  5. Try trending songs

Shorts get over 70 billion daily views. That's a lot of eyeballs.

"Up to 40% of ad views now come from Shorts placements alone", - YouTube, 2023

Brands are seeing results:

  • 33% saw 15-25% more web traffic
  • 50% got more subscribers

Setting up is easy:

  1. Pick "Mobile phones" in ad settings
  2. Use 9:16 ratio
  3. Use an existing Shorts URL if you want

Costs? $0.05 to $0.30 per view, depending on your niche.


YouTube's 2024 ad landscape is a goldmine for marketers. Here's what you need to know:

YouTube offers a bunch of ad types:

  • Skippable and Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • In-Feed Video Ads
  • Display and Overlay Ads
  • Masthead Ads
  • YouTube Shorts Ads

Each type has its own specs. For example:

Ad Type Max Length Aspect Ratio File Size Limit
Skippable In-Stream 3 minutes 16:9 256GB
Non-Skippable In-Stream 15-20 seconds 16:9 128GB
Bumper Ads 6 seconds 16:9 1GB
YouTube Shorts 60 seconds 9:16 1GB

Why should you care? Because YouTube ads WORK:

  • 59% of users think they're more relevant than TV ads
  • 70% of people buy stuff after seeing YouTube ads

With 2.6 billion monthly users spending about 45 minutes a day on YouTube, you can reach a TON of people across 100+ countries and 80 languages.

Cost-wise, you're looking at about HK$0.2 to HK$0.3 for a 30-second view. That means a HK$20,000 budget could get you around 100,000 views.

Want to make your ads pop? Here's how:

  • Mention your company name and what makes you special in the first 5 seconds
  • Keep most videos between 15-30 seconds
  • Keep your message simple and direct

One retailer tried Video Reach ads and saw some interesting results. At first, their ROAS dropped to -4%, but after two months, it turned positive as new customers started buying more.

So, ready to give YouTube ads a shot?


What size are YouTube ads in 2024?

YouTube ads come in different sizes:

Ad Type Size (px)
Horizontal 1920 x 1080
Vertical 1080 x 1920
Square 1080 x 1080

Stick to these sizes for the best look across devices.

What is the file size limit for YouTube ads?

Most YouTube ads max out at 1GB. But there's an exception:

Ad Type Max Size
Standard Ads 1GB
Non-Skippable In-Stream 128GB

Smaller files load faster. Keep that in mind.

What's the best size for a YouTube ad?

For horizontal videos, go with 1920 x 1080 pixels. It's the top choice in 2024.

Vertical videos? Use 1080 x 1920 pixels. Square videos should be 1080 x 1080 pixels.

What dimensions are YouTube ads?

YouTube has specific ad dimensions:

Ad Type Size (px)
Standard Display 300 x 250
YouTube Reserve Companions 300 x 60

These fit YouTube's layout perfectly.

What format is YouTube ad copy?

Keep it short:

  • Headline: 15 characters max
  • Description: 15 characters max
  • CTA: 10 characters max

For videos, YouTube takes MP4, MOV, AVI, and more. The full list? MPG, WMV, FLV, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, CineForm, and HEVC (h265).

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