10 Tips to Boost User-Generated Content Engagement

published on 27 August 2024

Want to supercharge your UGC strategy? Here's how to get more high-quality content from users:

  1. Plan effective campaigns
  2. Use social media wisely
  3. Create branded hashtags
  4. Offer rewards
  5. Display UGC prominently
  6. Interact with creators
  7. Simplify submission process
  8. Maintain content quality
  9. Track performance
  10. Build a community

Why UGC matters:

  • Builds trust (92% trust recommendations from others)
  • Boosts engagement (28% higher than brand posts)
  • Increases conversions (85% better than pro photos)
  • Drives traffic (20% more return visitors)

Quick tips:

  • Set clear campaign goals
  • Choose the right platforms
  • Use unique hashtags
  • Offer incentives
  • Showcase UGC across channels
Strategy Example
Contests Starbucks red cup design challenge
Hashtags Wayfair's #WayfairAtHome
Rewards Discounts for submissions
Features Highlighting top creators
Tools Easy upload forms

The key is consistency - keep engaging users and refining your approach based on what works. With the right strategy, UGC can be a game-changer for your brand.

1. Plan Effective Campaigns

To boost UGC engagement, start with well-planned campaigns that motivate participation:

Campaign Ideas

  • Photo contests
  • Social media challenges
  • Storytelling prompts

Campaign Aims

Set clear goals:

Goal Description Example
Brand awareness Increase visibility Apple's #ShotoniPhone
Engagement Boost interactions Coca-Cola's personalized bottles
Content creation Generate authentic material Trivago's #trivagofaves
Sales boost Drive conversions Lays' #DoUsAFlavor

Use SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

Key planning tips:

  1. Know your audience
  2. Set clear guidelines
  3. Give enough time
  4. Use branded hashtags
  5. Offer incentives

"Tell creators how to proceed in a way that aligns with your campaigns." - Claire Oswald, Product Marketing Manager

2. Use Social Media Wisely

Pick the right platforms and tailor your approach:

Choose Platforms


  • User demographics
  • Platform features
  • Content types
  • Engagement patterns

Adjust for Each Platform

Platform UGC Approach
Instagram Short, visual content
YouTube Longer, in-depth videos
Twitter Hashtags and quick engagement
TikTok Fun, trendy challenges


  1. Use platform-specific features
  2. Follow best practices
  3. Engage actively

"Post authentic content on social media!" - HeyOrca

Make sharing easy:

  • Add social buttons to your site
  • Give clear submission instructions
  • Use branded hashtags

3. Create and Use Hashtags

Hashtags organize content and boost engagement:

Brand Hashtags

Create short, catchy hashtags:

  • Simple and easy to spell
  • Unique to your brand
  • Avoid other company names

Spread Your Hashtags

  1. Use in all social posts
  2. Add to website and marketing
  3. Include in email signatures
  4. Ask influencers and employees to use

Tailor for each platform:

Platform Recommended Use
Facebook 1 hashtag
Twitter 1-2 hashtags
Instagram Up to 9 hashtags

"Hashtag contests build awareness, increase engagement, and boost sales." - Dana Kilroy

For hashtag contests:

  • Create a unique contest hashtag
  • Include your branded hashtag
  • Set clear rules

Instagram posts with hashtags get 70% more likes and 392% more comments.

To maximize hashtags:

  • Research popular and niche options
  • Track performance
  • Update strategy based on results

4. Give Rewards for Participation

Set up a reward system to encourage participation:

Reward Options

  • Discounts
  • Free items or samples
  • Social media recognition
  • Exclusive access
  • Loyalty points

Example: Run a photo contest where the winner gets a free item and all participants get a 10% discount.

Mix of Motivators

Balance internal and external rewards:

1. Show impact: Highlight how content helps others

2. Build community: Feature user content on your channels

3. Offer tiered rewards:

Level Reward
Basic (1-3 posts) 5% discount
Regular (4-10 posts) 10% discount + social shoutout
Super User (11+ posts) 15% discount + website feature

4. Run themed challenges: Create time-limited contests

"Give people what they want: fame and fortune!" - T. Maxwell, eMaximize

5. Display User Content Clearly

Showcase UGC across digital platforms:

Where to Show Content

  • Social media: Share and tag creators
  • Websites: Display on product pages
  • Emails: Include customer photos/testimonials

Include in Marketing

1. Social Media Campaigns: Run themed contests

2. Website Integration: Use aggregators to display UGC

3. Ad Campaigns: Include UGC in ads

Method Benefits
Social Posts Builds community
Website Provides social proof
Emails Adds personalization
Ads Boosts conversions

"UGC on social media promotes brand authenticity." - Nosto


6. Interact with Content Creators

Engage with users to build a thriving UGC community:

How to Respond

  • Like and share standout submissions
  • Comment to start conversations
  • Feature top content on your site/emails

Build Community

  • Highlight a "Creator of the Week"
  • Run Q&A sessions with top creators
  • Create a dedicated UGC hashtag
Action Benefit
Share content Increases visibility
Comment Builds relationships
Feature submissions Motivates creators
Highlight creators Encourages participation

"Engage with their content regularly, not just brand-related posts." - Markerly Pulse

7. Make Submitting Content Easy

Streamline the submission process:

Simple Process

  • Use single-page forms
  • Allow social media login
  • Enable drag-and-drop uploads
  • Provide clear instructions

Provide Help

Offer resources:

Type Purpose Example
Templates Guide structured content Post templates
Guidelines Set expectations Photo requirements
Tutorials Teach content creation "How to shoot a review video"
Examples Inspire submissions Featured UGC gallery

"We asked for nothing in return but landed a lot of authentic content." - Kynship Team

8. Keep Content Good and Relevant

Maintain high-quality, brand-aligned submissions:

Content Checks

Implement moderation:

Type Purpose Example
Automated Filters Catch violations Profanity blockers
Quality Rules Maintain standards Image resolution checks
Manual Review Final quality check Human assessment

"UGC is threatened when businesses aren't interested in the truth." - Abi Schuman, Bazaarvoice

Help Users Improve

  1. Provide clear guidelines
  2. Offer resources (tutorials, workshops)
  3. Give constructive feedback

9. Check How UGC Performs

Track and analyze UGC performance:

Measure Engagement

Focus on key metrics:

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Mentions
Metric Insight
Likes Content popularity
Shares Reach and virality
Comments Audience interaction
Mentions Brand awareness

Make Improvements

  1. Set clear goals and KPIs
  2. Monitor regularly
  3. Adjust based on insights

Calculate conversion rate: (Conversions / Total Users) x 100

"LoudCrowd simplifies tracking and collecting content while seeing performance metrics." - Influencer Marketing Manager

10. Build a Strong Community

Foster a sense of belonging to increase participation:

Create User Spaces

Set up platforms for sharing and discussion:

  • Message boards
  • Social media groups
  • Community website sections

Encourage User Interaction

  • Host events
  • Use gamification
  • Highlight contributions
Strategy Description Example
Branded Hashtags Create unique tags Wayfair's #WayfairAtHome
Contests Spark creativity Starbucks' red cup contest
User Stories Share experiences Huel featuring "Hueligans"
Visual Communication Enable video sharing Adobe's #adobe_perspective

"No one tells our story better than our members." - DeGomez, Well Traveled


UGC builds trust and boosts engagement. Remember:

  1. Plan campaigns
  2. Use social media wisely
  3. Create hashtags
  4. Give rewards
  5. Display content clearly
  6. Interact with creators
  7. Simplify submission
  8. Maintain quality
  9. Track performance
  10. Build community

UGC benefits:

  • 92% trust in recommendations
  • 28% higher engagement
  • 85% better conversion rates
  • 20% more return visitors

Success stories:

To succeed with UGC:

  1. Set clear goals
  2. Choose the right platforms
  3. Create unique hashtags
  4. Offer incentives
  5. Showcase content across channels

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