5 Ways to Sync Music to Video - Guide

published on 06 August 2024

Here's a quick overview of 5 methods to sync music with video:

  1. Manual syncing
  2. Built-in video editor tools
  3. Dedicated audio-video sync software
  4. Mobile apps for on-the-go syncing
  5. AI-powered automatic syncing

Quick comparison:

Method Accuracy Speed Cost Ease of Use
Manual High Slow Low Hard
Built-in tools Good Medium Included Medium
Sync software Very high Fast High Medium
Mobile apps Variable Fast Low-Medium Easy
AI-powered High Very fast Variable Easy

Each method has pros and cons. Manual syncing gives full control but takes time. Built-in tools are convenient but may lack precision. Dedicated software offers accuracy but costs more. Mobile apps are quick but can be limited. AI syncing is fast and easy but may lack customization.

Choose based on your project needs, budget, and skill level. Beginners may prefer built-in tools or mobile apps, while professionals might opt for dedicated software or AI syncing.

1. Manual Syncing


Manual syncing gives you full control over how music fits with your video. You can make small changes to get things just right. This method works well for people who want their videos to be perfect and don't mind spending extra time on them. But it can be hard and take a long time, especially if you're new to video editing.

Time Efficiency

Manual syncing takes a lot of time. You have to adjust the music and video by hand, which can be slow and frustrating. This is especially true for long videos or complex projects. If you want your video to be exactly right, the extra time might be worth it.


Manual syncing doesn't cost much money. You can use free video editing software to do it. But you'll need to spend time learning how to use the software and getting better at syncing.

User Accessibility

Manual syncing can be hard for beginners. You need to know how to use video editing software and understand how sound and video work together. With practice, anyone can learn to do it. If you're new to video editing, you might want to start with easier methods first.

Method Time Needed Cost Skill Level
Manual Syncing A lot Low Hard
Built-in Editor Tools Some Low Easy
Sync Software Some Medium Medium
Mobile Apps Little Low Easy
AI-Powered Syncing Little High Easy

2. Built-in Video Editor Tools

Built-in video editor tools help sync music to video easily. Many video editing programs like Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro have these tools.


These tools can sync music and video well, especially with good quality files. For example, Final Cut Pro uses sound waves to match clips. But how well it works depends on the files and the program you use.

Time Efficiency

Built-in tools are usually faster than doing it by hand. They can sync clips automatically. But the time it takes can change based on how complex your project is and which program you're using.


These tools often come with the video editing software, so you don't pay extra for them. But the software itself can be expensive. Some programs, like Final Cut Pro, you buy once. Others, like Premiere Pro, you pay for monthly.


If you know how to use the video editing software, these tools are usually easy to use. But it might take some practice to get good results. For example, Premiere Pro's sync tool is simple, but you might need to try a few times to get it right.

Feature Built-in Video Editor Tools
Accuracy Good with high-quality files
Time Needed Less than manual syncing
Cost Included with software
Skill Level Easy to medium

Built-in video editor tools are a good way to sync music to video. They're often easy to use and don't cost extra if you already have the software. How well they work and how long they take can change based on what you're using them for.

3. Dedicated Audio-Video Sync Software


Dedicated sync software offers high accuracy for matching music to video. Programs like Plural Eyes use smart tools to line up audio and video clips precisely. This works well for big projects with many camera angles, like documentaries.

Time Efficiency

These programs can save a lot of time compared to doing it by hand. For example, Plural Eyes can sync a whole project at once. This is very helpful for big projects, as you don't have to match each clip one by one.


Sync software can cost more than other options. Plural Eyes, for instance, is $200. But for people who work on big projects or need very accurate syncing, it can be worth the money.


Most sync software is easy to use, even if you're not a tech expert. Plural Eyes has a simple layout that makes it easy to bring in clips, sync them, and send them out. It also has features that sync automatically and find errors, which helps users get good results without much work.

Feature Dedicated Sync Software
Accuracy Very good, especially for big projects
Time Needed Less than manual, more than built-in tools
Cost More expensive
Skill Level Easy to medium

In short, dedicated sync software is a good choice for people who need to sync music to video quickly and accurately. While it costs more, its helpful features and easy-to-use design make it a good option for those working on complex projects.


4. Mobile Apps for On-the-Go Syncing


Mobile apps for syncing music to video can be hit or miss. Apps like InShot and Adobe Premiere Rush have tools that try to match music and video automatically. But these don't always work well, especially with tricky audio or video. For the best results, you might need to adjust things by hand.

Time Efficiency

These apps can be quick for small projects or social media videos. With apps like InShot and VLLO, you can often sync music and video in just a few taps. But bigger projects might take longer, as the app needs time to work with larger files.


Prices for these apps vary:

  • Some are free with basic features
  • Others charge for more advanced tools
App Cost
InShot Free version available, paid upgrades
Adobe Premiere Rush Free trial, then subscription
VLLO Free version, paid subscription for more features


Most of these apps are easy to use, even if you're new to video editing. They often have simple layouts and step-by-step guides. But some apps might be harder to learn, especially when using more complex features.

Feature Mobile Apps for Music-Video Syncing
Accuracy Can be good, but not always perfect
Speed Fast for small projects, slower for big ones
Price Free to paid options
Ease of Use Usually simple, some apps more complex

In short, mobile apps can be a handy way to sync music to video when you're not at your computer. They're often quick and easy to use, but the results might not always be perfect. These apps can be good for simple projects or when you need to make something quickly.

5. AI-Powered Automatic Syncing

AI-powered automatic syncing uses computer programs to match music and video. This new method is becoming more popular.


AI syncing can be very good at matching music and video. It looks at the beat and rhythm of the music and tries to match it with the video. But how well it works depends on how good your music and video files are. If the files are not clear, it might not work as well.

Time Efficiency

AI syncing is very fast. It can match music and video in just a few seconds or minutes. This is much quicker than doing it by hand. It's great for people who need to make videos quickly.


The price of AI syncing can change a lot. Some video editing programs like Adobe Premiere Pro have it built-in. Other companies offer it as a separate service. Prices can be from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars each month.

Cost Type Price Range
Built-in Free with software
Separate service $5 - $500 per month

User Accessibility

AI syncing is usually easy to use. You don't need to know a lot about video editing. Most of the time, you just upload your files and click a button. The computer does the rest.

Feature AI-Powered Automatic Syncing
Accuracy Good, but depends on file quality
Speed Very fast (seconds to minutes)
Price Varies widely
Ease of Use Simple, even for beginners

AI-powered automatic syncing is a good tool for making videos quickly. It's not perfect, but it can save a lot of time. If you need to make many videos fast, it could be very helpful.

Good and Bad Points

Here's a summary of the pros and cons for each syncing method to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Manual Syncing

Good Points Bad Points
Very precise Takes a long time
No extra cost Needs lots of skill
Full control Can be boring

Built-in Video Editor Tools

Good Points Bad Points
Easy to use May not be very precise
Often free Can be slow
Part of editing software Limited features

Dedicated Audio-Video Sync Software

Good Points Bad Points
Very precise Can cost a lot
Fast Needs some skill
Lots of features Takes time to learn

Mobile Apps for On-the-Go Syncing

Good Points Bad Points
Use anywhere May not be very precise
Easy to use Can be slow
Often free or cheap Limited features

AI-Powered Automatic Syncing

Good Points Bad Points
Very fast Can cost a lot
Precise Needs good quality files
Easy to use Less control

Look at these points to pick the best syncing method for your video, whether it's for work or fun.


After looking at five ways to sync music to video, we can see that each method has good and bad points. The best way for you depends on what you need, how good you are at video editing, and what kind of project you're doing.

Here's a quick guide to help you choose:

Who You Are Best Method
New to video editing Built-in editor tools or mobile apps
Professional Sync software or AI syncing
Need exact control Manual syncing
Working on big projects AI syncing

Things to Think About:

  • Pick a method that fits your skills and what your project needs
  • Think about how exact you need it to be, how fast you need to work, and how much you can spend
  • Try different ways to see what works best for you


What is a sync point between music and video?

A sync point helps match audio and video. For example, a clapboard makes a clear sound and visual mark. This makes it easy to line up the sound with the video.

What programs are good for syncing audio and video?

Good programs for syncing depend on your device:

Device Recommended Programs
iOS iMovie, Adobe Premiere Rush, FilmoraGo
Android KineMaster, FilmoraGo
Mac iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro
Windows Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, Video Editor app

What's the best program for syncing audio and video?

The best program depends on what you need. Here are some good choices:

Device Top Programs
iOS/Android iMovie, FilmoraGo
Mac/Windows Adobe Premiere Pro
Mac only Final Cut Pro
Android only KineMaster

What's the best app for syncing audio and video?

The best app depends on your device:

Device Best Apps
Android KineMaster, FilmoraGo
iOS iMovie, FilmoraGo
Mac iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro
Windows Adobe Premiere Pro, Video Editor app

Pick the app that works best for your device and needs.

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