8 Emotional Appeal Strategies for Ad Creatives

published on 24 July 2024

Here's a quick guide to using emotions in your ad campaigns:

  1. Happiness: Show people enjoying your product
  2. Fear: Highlight problems your product solves
  3. Trust: Display testimonials and expert opinions
  4. Nostalgia: Use retro imagery or references
  5. Empathy: Tell relatable customer stories
  6. Pride: Celebrate achievements and traditions
  7. Humor: Make people laugh with clever jokes
  8. Inspiration: Motivate viewers to take action

Quick Comparison:

Emotion Key Benefit Example Approach
Happiness Positive brand association Smiling people using product
Fear Urgency to act Show risks of not using product
Trust Customer loyalty Display ratings and reviews
Nostalgia Emotional connection Use old-style designs
Empathy Deeper customer understanding Share real customer feedback
Pride Long-term engagement Highlight local heroes
Humor Memorability Use relatable jokes
Inspiration Motivation to buy Tell uplifting stories

Using these emotional strategies can help your ads stand out, connect with viewers, and drive sales.

1. Happiness

Happiness is a key emotion that can make people like an ad and product more. Ads often show smiling people with friends and family to make viewers feel happy too. This good feeling can make people more interested in what's being sold.

What is happiness in ads?

In ads, happiness means:

  • Feeling good
  • Being content
  • Enjoying life

How to use happiness in ads

Here are some ways to add happiness to ads:

  • Show people having fun with the product
  • Use bright colors and upbeat music
  • Include cute animals or babies

For example, Coca-Cola's "Choose Happiness" ads in 2015 asked people to share happy summer memories.

How happiness affects viewers

Effect Description
More sharing People share happy ads more often
Good brand image Viewers link the brand with good feelings
Better mood Ads can make viewers feel happier
More sales Happy viewers are more likely to buy

Rebecca Waring from UnrulyEQ says, "Happiness is the most common emotion in ads. It often makes people want to buy more and tell others about the product."

2. Fear

Fear is a strong emotion that can make people pay attention and act. In ads, fear is used to create urgency or show what might happen if you don't do something.

What is fear in ads?

Fear in ads tries to make people feel worried or scared. This can be done by:

  • Showing risks of not using a product
  • Highlighting bad results of certain behaviors
  • Creating a "now or never" feeling for limited offers

Fear works because people want to avoid danger. But it must be used carefully to avoid seeming pushy or mean.

How to use fear in ads

To use fear in ads, try these ideas:

  • Tell stories or use strong images to show what could go wrong
  • Show how taking action can help avoid risks
  • Use time limits to create urgency
  • Use words and tone that make people feel worried

For example, a breast cancer ad might show why not getting checked is risky. It could tell a story about someone who didn't get checked, along with a clear message to get screened.

How fear affects viewers

Effect Description
More attention Fear makes people notice and act
Strong feelings Fear can make people feel connected to the message
Changed behavior Fear can make people do something to avoid bad results

3. Trust

Trust is a key emotion in ads. It helps people choose one brand over others. When customers trust a brand, they're more likely to buy from it and tell others about it.

What is trust in ads?

Trust means feeling sure about a brand or product. It happens when a brand is honest and open in its ads. Trust helps a brand stand out and makes customers feel close to it.

How to use trust in ads

To build trust in ads, you can:

  • Show what others say about your product
  • Display ratings and reviews
  • Use expert opinions
  • Show awards your product has won
  • Be clear and honest about what you offer

How trust affects viewers

Effect Description
More loyal customers People stick with brands they trust
Word-of-mouth Customers tell others about trusted brands
Higher sales Trust makes people more likely to buy
Repeat business Trusted brands get more return customers
Positive reviews People share good experiences with trusted brands

When ads build trust, people feel good about buying. They're more likely to choose that brand again and again. Trust helps create a strong bond between customers and brands.

4. Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a strong feeling that can make people think fondly of the past. Brands use this feeling in ads to connect with customers and sell more products.

What is nostalgia in ads?

Nostalgia in ads means using old-style designs, colors, or characters to remind people of good times from the past. This works well with storytelling, as it helps people remember shared experiences.

How to use nostalgia in ads

To use nostalgia in ads, brands can:

  • Make special products that look or feel like things from the past
  • Use old-style pictures or designs in their ads
  • Talk about popular things from a certain time
  • Work with old brands or people who remind others of the past

How nostalgia affects viewers

Effect Description
More loyal customers People stick with brands that remind them of good times
Stronger feelings about the brand Customers feel closer to brands that use nostalgia
More sales People buy more when they feel nostalgic
More sharing Customers tell others about brands that make them feel nostalgic
Comfort People feel good about brands that remind them of the past

Using nostalgia in ads can help brands connect with customers in a special way. It makes people feel good and want to buy more.


5. Empathy

Empathy in ads helps brands connect with their audience. It's about understanding how customers feel and using that to make ads that speak to them.

What is empathy in ads?

Empathy in ads means:

  • Focusing on what customers need and want
  • Seeing things from the customer's point of view
  • Being honest and open in your ads

How to use empathy in ads

To use empathy in ads, try these ideas:

  • Tell stories about customer struggles
  • Use real customer feedback
  • Show content made by users
  • Use emotions like happiness or nostalgia

How empathy affects viewers

Effect Description
More trust Customers feel understood
Brand loyalty People stick with brands that get them
More sales Understood customers buy more
Stand out Empathy makes your brand different
Word of mouth Happy customers tell others

When ads show empathy, people feel good about the brand. They're more likely to buy and tell others. Empathy helps create a strong bond between customers and brands.

6. Pride

What is pride in ads?

Pride in ads makes people feel good about themselves or their group. It helps them think about long-term goals instead of just what's easy right now.

How to use pride in ads

To use pride in ads:

  • Show what people like about themselves or their group
  • Talk about things that make people feel special
  • Use stories about local heroes or traditions

For example, the "Don't Mess With Texas" ads stopped littering by making people proud of their state.

How pride affects viewers

Effect Description
Feeling responsible People want to do good things
Liking the brand more Viewers feel close to brands that make them proud
Changing habits Pride can make people change how they act
Telling others People share ads that make them feel proud

Using pride in ads can work well, but be careful not to overdo it. Make sure it fits with your brand and what people know about you.

7. Humor

Humor in ads can make people laugh and remember brands better. It helps create good feelings about products and makes messages easier to understand.

What is humor in ads?

Humor in ads means making people laugh while selling something. It's important to know what your audience finds funny and not offensive. Good humor in ads is:

  • Easy to understand
  • Fun to watch
  • Easy to remember

How to use humor in ads

To add humor to your ads, try these ideas:

  • Make your brand seem friendly by using jokes
  • Use funny stories to show how your product helps people
  • Make jokes that your audience can relate to
  • Be careful not to upset anyone with your jokes

How humor affects viewers

Effect Description
Good feelings People like brands that make them laugh
Better memory Funny ads are easier to remember
More sharing People share funny ads with friends
More trust Humor can make people trust your brand

Using humor in ads can help your brand stand out and make people like it more. Just make sure the jokes fit your brand and don't upset anyone.

8. Inspiration

Inspiration in ads makes people feel motivated and hopeful. It shows how a brand or product can help people do better or make a difference.

What is inspiration in ads?

Inspiration in ads:

  • Makes people feel they can achieve their goals
  • Shows how to overcome problems
  • Uses uplifting stories and nice visuals
  • Makes people feel good about themselves

How to use inspiration in ads

To make inspiring ads:

  • Tell real stories people can relate to
  • Show how your product helps people
  • Use good pictures and music
  • Make people feel they can do great things

How inspiration affects viewers

Effect Description
Makes people act Viewers want to do something good
Builds brand loyalty People like brands that inspire them
More sharing People tell others about inspiring ads
Stays in memory Inspiring ads are hard to forget
Creates good feelings People feel better after seeing these ads

Inspiring ads can make people feel good and remember your brand. They can also make people want to buy your product or tell others about it.


You've now learned about eight ways to use emotions in ads. These can help you make better ads that connect with people. Let's go over the main points:

  • Using emotions in ads helps you connect with people, not just sell things.
  • Different emotions make people feel and act in different ways.
  • Be honest in your ads. Don't try to trick people.
  • It can be hard to measure how well emotional ads work, but you can look at things like:
Measure What it shows
Engagement How much people interact with your ad
Brand loyalty How much people stick with your brand
Customer retention How many customers keep buying from you

When you use emotions in ads:

  • Think about what your brand stands for
  • Know who you're talking to
  • Try different emotions to see what works best
  • Be real and open with your audience


What emotion works best in ads?

Trust is one of the top emotions used in ads today. Many companies try to build trust with their customers because:

  • People buy more from brands they trust
  • Trusted brands keep customers longer
  • Customers tell others about brands they trust

To build trust in ads, companies should:

  • Be honest about what they offer
  • Show how their product helps people
  • Use real customer stories

Can you give an example of an ad that uses emotions?

Nike's "Just Do It" ads are a good example. These ads make people feel:

  • Part of something big
  • Like they can achieve their goals
  • Inspired to take action

The ads don't just sell shoes. They make people feel strong and motivated. This helps Nike connect with its customers in a deeper way.

Emotion How Nike uses it Effect on viewers
Inspiration Shows athletes overcoming challenges Makes people feel they can do great things
Pride Celebrates sports achievements Viewers feel proud to use Nike products
Motivation Uses "Just Do It" slogan Encourages people to be active and try new things

This approach has helped Nike become more than just a shoe company. It's now seen as a brand that supports people's goals and dreams.

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