YouTuber Spotlight: Linus Tech Tips

published on 12 April 2024

Linus Tech Tips, a powerhouse in the tech YouTube scene, has captivated over 14 million followers with its easy-to-understand and entertaining tech content. Here's what you need to know:

  • Founded in 2008 by Linus Sebastian, the channel has expanded from simple how-tos to a wide range of tech topics, including the latest gadgets, gaming advice, and even business tech.
  • Engaging Presentation: Linus's approachable style and clear explanations make complicated tech topics accessible to everyone.
  • High Production Quality: Their videos stand out with professional-grade video and sound, enhancing the viewer's experience.
  • Community Engagement: Through regular interaction with viewers, Linus Tech Tips has built a strong and engaged community.
  • Influencing Tech Purchases: Their reviews and recommendations can drive significant interest in and sales of tech products.

The channel's commitment to quality content, combined with Linus Sebastian's charismatic presentation, has not only educated viewers but also significantly influenced tech trends and consumer behavior.

Mission and Values

Linus Tech Tips is all about making tech easy to get for everyone with videos that are fun and full of good info. The channel is big on being open, always trying to do things better, making sure videos are top quality, and earning viewers' trust.

Major Milestones

Content Expansion

Over time, Linus Tech Tips has really grown its YouTube channel. It started with simple guides on how to build your own computer and make it faster. Now, it covers all sorts of tech topics, from reviews on the newest gadgets to advice for gamers and even tips for businesses.

Here's a quick look at how the channel has changed:

  • Product Reviews - By 2012, the channel began to review tech products like computer parts, phones, and laptops.
  • Tech Quick Tips - The channel kept up with short, helpful videos on a bunch of tech subjects, including apps and digital tools.
  • Gaming Content - Linus Tech Tips started to dive into gaming, talking about the best hardware for gaming, how to test games, and setting up for VR.
  • Creative Workflows - There are now videos for creative types, showing off tech that helps with video making, 3D design, and creating games.
  • Business / Enterprise Tech - The channel has started exploring bigger tech systems used in businesses, like servers and data centers.
  • Entertainment Tech - Videos now also look at tech for fun at home, like movie setups, streaming gear, and smart home tech.

By talking about a wider range of tech topics, Linus Tech Tips has brought in more viewers and kept things interesting with different types of videos.

Landmark Videos

Some of the most watched and important videos from Linus Tech Tips include:

  • 7 Gamers, 1 CPU (2017) - This video was about connecting 7 gamers to just one powerful computer. It showed how far you can push tech and the limits of sharing a computer.
  • $30,000 Gaming PC Build (2019) - They built a super fancy gaming computer that cost $30,000, showing off what's possible with a lot of money.
  • 10 Gigabit Internet Setup (2021) - This video showed how they got super fast internet at home, something that seemed really hard to do before.
  • The Ultimate Mac Pro Upgrade (2019) - They took a basic Mac Pro computer and added all the best parts to it, making it worth over $50,000!

These big projects and fancy computer builds have helped Linus Tech Tips show off what's new and exciting in tech, influencing what people think about and buy.

Standout Aspects

Presenter Personality and Style

Linus Sebastian, the guy in front of the camera, is a big reason why people like Linus Tech Tips. He's fun to watch because he's excited about tech, makes a lot of jokes, and talks about tech stuff like he's your friend who knows a lot. Even when he's explaining tricky tech ideas, he keeps it interesting and easy to get.

Key points about his style:

  • Feels like a friend who knows a lot about tech
  • Really loves tech
  • Uses lots of expressions and changes his tone to keep it lively
  • Jokes about himself
  • Always energetic

This makes the tech talk fun and easy to follow.

Production Quality

Linus Tech Tips is known for making videos that look and sound great, more so than many other tech channels. They have a team that focuses just on making the videos, and they use really good cameras and mics.

What makes their videos look so good:

  • Very clear, high-quality video
  • Lights and cameras that are used in professional TV shows
  • Slow motion shots that look cool
  • Sound is clear and easy to hear

The nice-looking videos help show off the tech better and draw in more viewers, not just the hardcore tech fans.

Community Interaction

Linus Tech Tips doesn't just make videos; they also talk a lot with their fans online. This helps make a strong group of followers.

How they connect with fans:

  • Forums where people can talk about tech
  • Events where fans can meet them
  • Answering questions and comments
  • Letting fans vote on what videos they should make
  • Giving away tech stuff to fans

Talking with fans makes them feel part of the channel. It also helps Linus know how to make their videos better and keeps fans coming back.

Influencing the Tech Sector

Driving Consumer Interest

Linus Tech Tips has a big impact on what tech stuff people get interested in and buy. For example:

  • Talking about Nvidia's RTX 3080 GPU made a lot of people want to buy it. They showed off its cool features like ray tracing, which convinced many to get one.

  • Their positive talk about AMD's Ryzen 5000 series CPUs made these processors sell out at stores. Linus said these chips were great for gaming and work, which made people want to buy them.

  • Highlighting mini PCs for home theaters got more people to buy these small computers. Viewers liked the idea of having a compact setup for watching movies.

  • After they talked about ultrawide monitors for creative work, more people became interested in these big screens for more space to work on.

Linus Tech Tips helps people know about new tech and encourages them to try it out. They make sure cool and new gadgets are seen by lots of people.

Providing Education

Linus Tech Tips isn't just about selling stuff; they also teach people a lot about tech. Here's how they make tech easier to understand:

  • Approachable Teardowns - They open up gadgets and show what's inside in a way that's easy to get.

  • Beginner PC Build Guidance - Their videos on building a computer make it seem not so scary for first-timers.

  • Gaming Optimization Tips - They explain gaming terms and how to make games run better in a simple way.

  • Consumer Tech Explainers - They break down tricky tech topics, like 5G or smart home tech, so anyone can understand.

By teaching about tech in a friendly way, Linus Tech Tips makes people more excited and knowledgeable about tech. They help make complicated tech stuff feel more approachable to everyone.

Top Videos Roundup

#1: 10 Years of Linus Tech Tips!

This video has been watched over 21 million times and is the most popular on the Linus Tech Tips channel. Released in November 2018, it's almost 2 hours long and has Linus looking back at the channel's first 10 years. He shares funny and interesting stories from the making of some of their big videos. Viewers really liked seeing how Linus Tech Tips grew from a small project to a big deal in tech media.

#2: The ULTIMATE Mac Pro Upgrade!

This video from 2019 shows how Linus Tech Tips upgraded a basic Mac Pro computer to the max. It's been viewed over 19 million times. The team changed almost everything inside to the best parts available, including the CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage. After all the upgrades, the computer was worth more than $50,000! People enjoyed watching the team take Apple's high-end computer and make it even more powerful.


Behind the Scenes at Linus Media Group

A Look Inside the Studio

Linus Media Group has a big studio in Vancouver, Canada. This place is set up just right for making high-quality YouTube videos and live shows.

Here's what's inside:

  • Different areas set up for filming, like the well-known red and blue rooms you see in a lot of their videos.
  • Really good cameras and lights, the kind big movies use.
  • A quiet room for recording clear voiceovers.
  • Lots of space for putting together computers and trying out new gaming stuff.
  • A storage area for keeping props, computer parts, and merchandise.

The studio has gotten better over time, adding new spots for opening boxes, checking out computer parts, and making videos look really cool.

Meet the Team

Linus Media Group has more than 40 people working full-time. They do everything from making videos to running the business.

Some key team members include:

  • Luke Lafreniere - He plans and shoots videos, making sure they look just like what Linus Tech Tips is known for.
  • Madison Tersigni - A video editor who puts all the clips together into the fun, quick videos we all enjoy.
  • Edzel Yago - He writes the scripts, making sure they're easy to understand, even the complicated tech stuff.
  • Colton Sebree - He films beautiful shots that make the products look amazing.
  • Sophia Ricci - She manages the channel, deciding when to post videos to get the most people to watch them.

Everyone on the team works together to make sure the videos are the best they can be and that they help people learn about tech in an easy way.

Building Community

Responding to Comments

The Linus Tech Tips team makes sure to talk to viewers in the comments under their videos. Linus and the team often answer questions, explain things more if people are confused, and say thanks for suggestions or kind words.

For example:

  • If someone doesn't agree with how they did something in a video, they'll explain why they chose that method.
  • They're quick to say thanks when people leave positive comments.
  • If they make a mistake or say something wrong, they'll correct it and say sorry.
  • Sometimes, they ask more questions to better understand what a viewer is asking.

This back-and-forth with viewers shows that they really listen and care about what people think. It makes the community feel valued and part of the conversation.

The WAN Show

Every week on Friday at 1:00 PM Eastern time, Linus Media Group streams a live show called "The WAN Show" on YouTube. WAN means "Wide Area Network".

The WAN Show is a chance for the team and viewers to talk in real time. People can chat, ask questions, and get into discussions about tech.

Here's what happens:

  • Linus and his co-host, Luke Lafreniere, talk about viewer comments and answer questions during the show.
  • They set up polls for viewers to vote on tech topics and talk about what's happening in the tech world.
  • Sometimes, they'll even call a viewer who left an interesting comment to talk more about it.
  • Viewers can send money through "superchat" to make sure their comment gets noticed. The more you donate, the longer your comment stays up.

The WAN show is a fun way for everyone to feel more connected. It's like a weekly meeting where fans can get to know the team better and have a say in what's going on.

Potential of Exclusive Content on TapeReal

Linus Tech Tips is a big name in tech videos on YouTube. They've gathered a huge crowd by talking about tech in a way that's easy to understand and fun. But as they keep getting bigger, they could start sharing special content that only some fans can see, using a platform called TapeReal.

Early Access Drops

Linus could use TapeReal to let fans see some videos before everyone else. Here's how:

  • Let subscribers watch a new product review video a day before it goes live on YouTube. This makes fans excited and might get more people to sign up.

  • Share behind-the-scenes clips from making a gaming PC video only with members. Fans love seeing how things are made.

  • Post a short clip that teases a cool moment from an upcoming video. This gets people looking forward to the full video.

Giving fans this special sneak peek can make them feel special and more connected.

Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Besides early video access, Linus could also share more about what goes on behind the camera.

For example, he could show:

  • The whole process of putting together a complex gaming PC, including the bits that didn't get into the main video.
  • Funny mistakes and moments that happen while making a video. This kind of content is fun and shows a different side of things.
  • More talks and advice from experts in a video about new tech for businesses.
  • A detailed look at how they edit their videos, from start to finish.

Seeing more about how Linus and his team work can make fans feel closer to them and appreciate all the hard work that goes into making their favorite videos.

By sharing special content on TapeReal, Linus Tech Tips can offer something extra to the biggest fans while still keeping their YouTube videos free for everyone. This way, they can reach more people and also make some extra money from those who want more.


Linus Tech Tips is a big deal in the tech world. With more than 14 million people following them, Linus Sebastian has made one of the most watched tech channels on YouTube.

Here are some important things that show how much they've achieved:

  • They get people excited about buying new tech stuff with their easy-to-understand reviews and suggestions. Their videos have even made some products sell out.
  • They explain tech stuff in a simple way, so everyone can understand. This makes learning about tech fun and not so scary.
  • Linus is really good on camera, making even the boring topics fun to watch. He seems honest, which makes people trust him.
  • Their videos look really good, better than a lot of other tech videos on YouTube. This is because they use great cameras and take care in editing.
  • Talking with their fans in comments and on their weekly WAN show makes their fan community stronger and more connected.

Because they have so many people watching them, Linus Tech Tips could start sharing special videos that only some fans can see, like on TapeReal. Fans might be willing to pay for early access to videos or to see what happens behind the scenes. This could be a new way for the channel to make money while still keeping their main YouTube videos free for everyone to watch.

In short, Linus Tech Tips has become a trusted name in tech on YouTube. A platform like TapeReal gives creators like Linus a chance to make more money by offering extra content just for their biggest fans.

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