Custom vs. Stock Music for Videos: Pros & Cons

published on 07 August 2024

Choosing between custom and stock music for your video? Here's a quick guide:

Feature Custom Music Stock Music
Cost More expensive Cheaper
Uniqueness Made just for you May be used in other videos
Time to get Takes longer Ready immediately
Flexibility Can be changed Hard to modify
Brand fit Matches your brand May not fit perfectly
Choices Limited Many options

Key points:

  • Custom music is unique but costs more and takes longer
  • Stock music is quick and cheap but less distinctive
  • Consider your budget, timeline, and brand needs
  • Legal issues matter for both types
  • You can mix custom and stock music in one video

Choose custom music for big projects or special stories. Pick stock music for small budgets or tight deadlines. Always check licensing rules before using any music in your videos.

What is Custom Music for Videos?

Custom music for videos is a soundtrack made just for your project. Unlike stock music, which is pre-made, custom music is created to fit your video perfectly.

Key Features of Custom Music

Here's what makes custom music stand out:

Feature Description
Made for you Fits your video's length, pace, and feel
One-of-a-kind No one else will have the same music
Can be changed You can ask for changes to make it just right

How Custom Music is Made

Making custom music involves these steps:

1. Talk about what you need

  • You tell the composer what kind of music you want
  • Discuss the style, speed, and mood

2. Write the music

  • The composer creates a new soundtrack based on your ideas
  • They use different instruments and melodies

3. Make it perfect

  • You listen and give feedback
  • The composer makes changes until you're happy with it

Custom music takes more time and often costs more than stock music. But it gives you a unique sound that fits your video perfectly.

What is Stock Music for Videos?

Stock music for videos is ready-made music you can buy and use in your videos. It's a popular choice for many video makers who need good music without spending too much time or money.

Key Features of Stock Music

Here's what makes stock music stand out:

Feature Description
Already made The music is ready to use right away
Legal to use You can use it in your videos after buying it
Lots of choices Many different types of music to pick from
Costs less Often cheaper than getting music made just for you

Where to Find Stock Music

You can find stock music on many websites. Here are some popular ones:

Website What it offers
Epidemic Sound Lots of music tracks for different video types
AudioJungle Many music choices at different prices
Artlist Music you can use as much as you want after paying

These websites have many music tracks. You can look for music by type, mood, or the instruments used to find what fits your video best.

Benefits of Custom Music

One-of-a-Kind Sound

Custom music is made just for your video. This means:

  • Your video sounds different from others
  • You avoid using music that many other videos have
  • Viewers are more likely to remember your video

Custom music fits your video perfectly. It matches the feeling and style of what you're showing. This works well for videos that need to make people feel something or explain complex ideas.

Matches Video Mood

Custom music can follow your video's pace and feeling. This helps keep viewers interested. The music can:

  • Go along with the story in your video
  • Make important parts stand out
  • Help viewers feel what you want them to feel

For example:

Video Type How Custom Music Helps
Product Ad Makes the video exciting and energetic
Serious Documentary Creates a thoughtful, calm feeling

Full Control Over the Music

When you use custom music, you can:

  • Tell the music maker what you want
  • Ask for changes until it's just right
  • Make sure the music fits your video perfectly

This control is good for videos that need to be very precise.

Helps People Remember Your Brand

Custom music can make your brand stand out. It can:

  • Include sounds that people connect with your brand
  • Make your videos easy to recognize
  • Help people remember your brand better

For instance, when you hear Coca-Cola's music, you know it's them right away. This helps make their brand stick in people's minds.

Drawbacks of Custom Music

Custom music has some downsides to think about before choosing it for your video.

Costs More

Custom music is often more expensive than stock music. Here's a rough idea of the costs:

Item Price Range
Composer $1,000 - $10,000
Orchestra $5,000 - $50,000
Studio $1,000 - $5,000
Total $7,000 - $65,000

Takes More Time

Making custom music can slow down your project:

  • Composers need days or weeks to write music
  • This can push back your video's finish date

Might Need Changes

Custom music often needs tweaks:

  • You might ask for changes after hearing the first version
  • Each change takes more time and might cost extra
  • There's a chance you won't like the final music

Can't Use It Everywhere

Custom music usually has limits:

  • You might only be able to use it in one project
  • Using it again might mean paying more

When thinking about custom music, keep these points in mind:

Pro Con
Fits your video perfectly Costs more
Unique sound Takes longer to make
You have control Might need changes
Limited use

Benefits of Stock Music

Stock music has many good points that make it a popular choice for video makers. Here are some reasons why people like using stock music:

Costs Less

Stock music is usually cheaper than custom music. Here's a quick look at the costs:

Music Type Price Range
Stock Music $5 - $500 (one-time fee)
Custom Music $7,000 - $65,000 (total cost)

Fast to Use

You can get stock music right away. This means:

  • No waiting for someone to make music for you
  • You can add music to your video quickly
  • It's easy to find music that fits your video's mood

Lots of Choices

Stock music websites have many different songs. You can find music for:

  • Business videos
  • Fun videos for social media
  • Any kind of video you're making

Ready to Go

Stock music is already made and ready to use. This means:

  • You don't need to make or change the music
  • You can focus on other parts of your video
  • It saves you time and work
Stock Music Benefit What It Means for You
Costs less You save money
Fast to use You finish your video sooner
Lots of choices You find the right music easily
Ready to go You don't need to change the music

Overall, stock music is a good choice if you want to save money and time when making videos. It's easy to use and gives you many options to pick from.

Drawbacks of Stock Music

Stock music has some downsides to think about before using it in your video.

Not One-of-a-Kind

Stock music isn't made just for you. This means:

  • Other videos might use the same music
  • Your video might not sound special
  • It might not fit your brand well

Hard to Change

You can't easily change stock music to fit your needs:

  • You can only make small changes, like making it shorter
  • You can't add or remove parts of the song
  • It might not match your video perfectly

Used Too Much

Some stock music tracks get used a lot:

  • Popular tracks might be in many videos
  • Your video could sound like others
  • People might get tired of hearing the same music

Tricky Rules

Using stock music comes with rules that can be hard to understand:

Rule Type What It Means
Personal Use You can only use it for fun, not for work
Commercial Use You can use it for business videos
Time Limit You might only be able to use it for a certain time
Where You Can Use It Some music can only be used in certain places

It's important to read these rules carefully before using stock music.

Drawback What It Means for Your Video
Not one-of-a-kind Might sound like other videos
Hard to change Might not fit your video perfectly
Used too much People might get bored of the music
Tricky rules You need to be careful about how you use it

Think about these points when deciding if stock music is right for your video.


Comparison Table

When picking between custom and stock music for your video, it's important to look at what each offers. This table shows the main differences between custom and stock music:

What to Compare Custom Music Stock Music
Cost More expensive Cheaper
Sounds Like Only for your video Might be in other videos
When You Can Use It Made for you, takes time Ready to use right away
Can You Change It You can ask for changes Hard to change
Rules for Using No tricky rules May have complex rules
Fits Your Brand Helps make your brand stand out Might not fit your brand well
How Long It Takes Takes longer to make Quick to use
How Many Choices Few choices Many choices

This table helps you see the good and bad points of custom and stock music. Think about how much money you can spend, how much time you have, what your video is for, and what you want people to think about your brand when you choose between custom and stock music.

How to Choose Between Custom and Stock Music

Picking between custom and stock music for your video depends on a few key things. Here's what to think about:


Look at how much you can spend on music:

Music Type Cost
Stock Music Cheaper
Custom Music More expensive

If you don't have much money, stock music might be better. But if you can spend more, custom music could be worth it.


Think about when you need the music:

Music Type Time to Get
Stock Music Right away
Custom Music Takes longer

If you need music fast, stock music is quicker. Custom music takes more time to make.

What Your Video is For

Match your music to what your video does:

Video Type Best Music Choice
To make people feel something Custom music
To teach or explain Stock music can work well

Your Brand

Think about how the music fits your brand:

Music Type Brand Fit
Custom Music Can match your brand better
Stock Music Might not fit your brand as well

If you want music that really fits your brand, custom might be better.

When using custom or stock music in your videos, you need to think about some legal matters. Knowing these can help you avoid problems and use music the right way.

Custom Music Rights

When you pay someone to make music for your video:

  • The person who made the music usually owns it
  • You might be able to buy the rights or agree on how to use it
  • Make sure you both agree on:
    • How you can use the music
    • Where you can use it
    • How long you can use it

Stock Music Licenses

Stock music licenses can be tricky. Here are the main types:

License Type What It Means
Royalty-Free Pay once, use many times
Creative Commons Free to use, but with some rules
Public Domain Anyone can use it for free

When you use stock music:

  • Read the license carefully
  • Follow the rules it gives you

Giving Credit

Saying who made the music is important:

  • It shows respect for the music maker
  • It helps you avoid getting in trouble for using someone else's work
Music Type Giving Credit
Stock Music Check if you need to say who made it
Custom Music Talk about how to give credit when you agree to use the music

When to Use Custom Music

Custom music works best for certain types of videos. Here's when you might want to use it:

Big Projects

For big video projects, custom music can be a good choice. These projects might be:

  • TV ads
  • Movies
  • Big company videos

Custom music helps these projects by:

  • Making a sound that fits the video well
  • Helping people remember the brand
  • Making viewers feel more

Special Visual Stories

Some videos tell stories in a special way. They might have:

  • Lots of action
  • Strong feelings
  • Unusual looks

For these videos, custom music can:

  • Match the video's style
  • Make the story clearer
  • Help viewers understand the video better
When to Use Custom Music Why It's Good
Big Projects - Fits the video well
- Helps brand memory
- Makes viewers feel more
Special Visual Stories - Matches video style
- Makes story clearer
- Helps viewers understand

Custom music takes more time and money, but it can make your video stand out. Think about what your video needs before you choose between custom and stock music.

When to Use Stock Music

Stock music works well for many video projects, especially in these cases:

Small Budgets

When you don't have much money, stock music is a good choice. It's cheaper than custom music and still sounds good. Stock music is great for:

  • Small films
  • School projects
  • Small business videos
  • Personal vlogs

It helps you add music without spending too much.

Short Time Frames

If you need music fast, stock music is best. You can find and use it right away. This is good for:

  • Quick video changes
  • Social media posts
  • Fast marketing videos
  • Event videos

Stock music lets you find good music quickly to finish your video on time.

When to Use Stock Music Why It's Good
Small Budgets Costs less than custom music
Short Time Frames Ready to use right away

Stock music is easy to use and doesn't cost much. It's perfect when you need music fast and don't want to spend a lot. By using stock music, you can focus on making your video look good, knowing you have music that fits.

Mixing Custom and Stock Music

Using Both Types

You can use both custom and stock music in your video. This can help you:

  • Save money
  • Make your video sound special
  • Get music quickly

Here's how to mix them:

1. Use custom music for important parts 2. Use stock music for the rest 3. Change stock music to fit your needs

Changing Stock Tracks

You can make stock music sound different. This helps your video stand out. Here are some ways to change stock tracks:

Way to Change What It Does
Add your own sounds Makes the music more personal
Change how fast it plays Changes how the music feels
Add extra noises Makes the music more interesting

Remember to check if you're allowed to change the music before you do it.

Mixing Custom and Stock Music What It Does
Custom music for key parts Makes your video sound special
Stock music for other parts Saves money
Changing stock music Makes it fit your video better


Picking between custom and stock music for your video depends on what you need, how much money you have, and what you want to achieve. Here's a quick look at both:

Music Type Good Points Not So Good Points
Custom Music - Made just for you
- You can change it
- Helps people remember your brand
- Costs more
- Takes longer to make
Stock Music - Cheaper
- Ready to use right away
- Lots to choose from
- Might be in other videos
- Hard to change

Think about these things when choosing:

1. Money: How much can you spend?

2. Time: How soon do you need the music?

3. Video Purpose: What is your video for?

4. Brand: Does the music need to match your brand?

Remember, music is important in videos. It can:

  • Set the mood
  • Make people feel certain ways
  • Help people connect with your video

To pick the right music:

  • Know what your video needs
  • Think about the good and bad points of each music type


Should I hire a film composer or use free public domain music?

Hiring a composer might be better if you need music that fits your video perfectly. They can make music that:

  • Matches your video's mood
  • Follows the video's pace
  • Fits your exact needs

Public domain music is free but might not fit as well.

What is stock music licensing?

Stock music is background music you can buy to use in videos. There are two main types:

Type Description
Licensed stock music - Limited use
- May not work for all projects
- Pay for each use
Royalty-free stock music - Pay once, use many times
- Can use for a long time
- More flexible

When you buy stock music:

  • Check what you can do with it
  • Make sure it fits your needs
  • Understand the rules for using it

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