An Open Letter to Creators

published on 25 January 2023

Dear Creators,

We live in a world where online video has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has become a way for us to stay connected, to learn, to be entertained, and to express ourselves. But as the world has changed, so too has the world of online video. It has become a place where the focus is on going viral, where templated content is the norm, and where the pressure to constantly create new content can be overwhelming.

That's why we founded TapeReal. We believe that there is a need for a platform that is focused on real people, real culture, real art, and real creativity. We believe that creators should be free to express themselves in a way that is true to who they are, and that the world deserves to see the diversity of perspectives and voices that exist in our society.

We understand that many creators are tired of the hamster wheel of content creation. We understand that other platforms have made it too easy for anyone, even without creativity, to create templated content. We understand that many creators are looking for a platform where they can treat their work like art, and where they can respect the craft of creation.

That's why we invite you to join TapeReal. We invite you to be a part of a community of creators who dare to be different. We invite you to grow with us and to be aligned with our values. We invite you to share your unique perspective with the world and to be a part of shaping the future of online video.

So, if you're a creator who is looking for a platform that values real content and real culture, that respects the craft of creation, and that believes in the power of self expression and diversity, we invite you to join TapeReal.

Let's create something new together.


The TapeReal Team

TapeReal - Video Platform for Emerging Artists, Creators, Diversity, and Culture
TapeReal - Video Platform for Emerging Artists, Creators, Diversity, and Culture

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