TikTok vs Shorts for Creators

published on 31 March 2024

Choosing between TikTok and YouTube Shorts for your video content? Here's a quick guide to help you decide:

  • TikTok is great for creative videos up to 3 minutes, offering a wide range of effects and features like Duets and Stitches, perfect for a young audience.
  • YouTube Shorts caters to quick, up to 60-second videos, leveraging YouTube's massive audience and simpler editing tools.

Both platforms offer unique advantages for creators, from TikTok's engaging community features to YouTube Shorts' reach and monetization potential. Understanding each platform's key features, audience, and growth opportunities can help you make the right choice for your content.

Quick Comparison

Feature YouTube Shorts TikTok
Video Length Limit Up to 60 seconds Up to 3 minutes
Filters and Effects Some basic filters Lots of cool effects, texts, and stickers
Green Screen Yes Yes
Duets/Stitches No Yes
Multi-Clip Editing Yes Yes
Aspect Ratio Vertical 9:16 Vertical 9:16
Analytics Data in YouTube Studio Data right in the app

Whether you're a new creator looking to grow your audience or an established one exploring additional platforms, both TikTok and YouTube Shorts have their benefits. It ultimately depends on your content type, audience preferences, and monetization goals.

TikTok Overview


TikTok is all about quick, fun videos that people can make and share. Here's what you need to know about it:

  • Video Length: You can make videos from 15 seconds to 3 minutes long.
  • Formats: It's best for videos that you watch on your phone, but you can also make them go sideways.
  • Special Effects: There are lots of cool tools like filters, text, stickers, and green screens to play with.
  • Sounds: There's a huge selection of popular sounds and music you can add to your videos.
  • Duets and Stitches: You can join in on other people's videos or add your twist to them.
  • Hashtags and Trends: It's easy to find out what's popular and join in on the fun.
  • Analytics: You can see how many people watched, liked, and commented on your videos, and how many followers you have.

TikTok is really popular with teens and young adults who like watching quick, entertaining videos.

Shorts Overview

YouTube Shorts is about making short videos, up to 60 seconds, that fit right into the YouTube app. Here's the scoop on Shorts:

  • Leverages YouTube: You get to use all of YouTube's music and might reach its 2 billion users.
  • Vertical Videos: Shorts are made to be watched on your phone, taking up the whole screen.
  • Multi-Segment Camera: You can put several video clips together easily.
  • Editing: There are simple tools for cutting clips, adding filters, text, and subtitles.
  • Analytics: You can see how your videos are doing with details on views, comments, new subscribers, and more from YouTube's main dashboard.

Shorts is really for people who already like making and watching videos on YouTube.

Key Features Comparison

Feature YouTube Shorts TikTok
Video Length Limit Up to 60 seconds Up to 3 minutes
Filters and Effects Some basic filters for changing video look Lots of cool effects, texts, and stickers
Green Screen Yes Yes
Duets/Stitches No Yes
Multi-Clip Editing Yes Yes
Aspect Ratio Vertical 9:16 Vertical 9:16
Analytics Data in YouTube Studio Data right in the app

YouTube Shorts and TikTok both let you make videos that are meant to be watched on your phone, but they're a bit different in what you can do with them.

Video Length

One big difference is how long the videos can be. TikTok lets you make videos up to 3 minutes long, while Shorts only go up to 60 seconds. This means you can do more with your videos on TikTok.

Filters and Effects

TikTok has a ton of options to make your videos look cool, like special effects and stickers. Shorts has some basic filters but not as much variety.


TikTok has a cool feature where you can join in on someone else's video or add your own twist to it. This isn't something you can do on Shorts yet.


TikTok shows you how your videos are doing right in the app, like how many people watched or liked your video. With Shorts, you have to check YouTube Studio to see your video data.

In short, TikTok gives you more ways to be creative and connect with others, while Shorts lets you reach the huge audience that YouTube has. If Shorts keeps getting better, video makers will need to think about what each platform offers and who they want to reach.

Pros and Cons for Creators



  • Big audience - TikTok has over 1 billion people using it every month. This means your videos could be seen by a lot of people.
  • Close-knit groups - It's easy to find people who like the same things you do and make videos together.
  • Easy to use - The app is user-friendly, so even if you're new to making videos, you can quickly learn how.
  • Trending topics - If you make videos about what's popular, you could get a lot of views fast.


  • Rules on content - TikTok has strict rules about what you can post, which might limit what you want to do.
  • Unpredictable changes - Sometimes TikTok changes how videos are suggested to viewers, which could make your videos harder to find.
  • Making money is tough - Not everyone can make money on TikTok, and it's only available in some places.
  • Trends move fast - What's popular today might not be tomorrow, so you have to keep up.



  • YouTube's power - Using Shorts means you can reach YouTube's 2 billion users and use its tools.
  • More branding options - You can add special pictures and messages at the end of your videos to show off your brand or other videos.
  • Use old videos - You can turn your previous YouTube videos into Shorts to get them in front of more people.
  • Deep dive into data - YouTube gives you a lot of information about how your videos are doing so you can make better ones.


  • Hard to stand out - Since Shorts are in a different part of YouTube, it might be harder for people to find your videos.
  • Fewer ways to edit - TikTok has more tools for making your videos look cool. Shorts is a bit behind in this area.
  • Shorter videos only - You can only make videos up to 60 seconds long, which might not be enough for what you want to do.
  • Different way to earn - To make money from your videos, you need to be part of YouTube's Partner Program, which has its own rules.

Algorithm and Discovery

TikTok and YouTube Shorts both use smart systems, called algorithms, to figure out which videos to show to people. But they do this in their own ways.

How TikTok's Algorithm Works

TikTok's smart system tries to show you videos it thinks you'll like. It looks at:

  • The videos you like, comment on, or share
  • How long you watch each video
  • The accounts you follow

The more you use TikTok, the better it gets at showing you stuff you're interested in.

Here's what TikTok focuses on:

  • It cares more about how much people interact with a video than how famous the person who posted it is.
  • It likes videos that feel real and interesting, even if they're not super polished.
  • It pays attention to videos that get a lot of likes and comments.

This means you don't need a bunch of fancy gear or a huge number of followers to do well on TikTok.

How YouTube Shorts' Algorithm Works

YouTube Shorts also has a smart system to recommend videos, but it works a bit differently.

It looks at:

  • Videos from channels you already like
  • Shorts about things you've shown interest in before
  • How popular a Short is with everyone on YouTube

So, YouTube looks at what you like but also considers what's popular with everyone.

If you already have a lot of subscribers on YouTube, that helps. But you can still get noticed on Shorts by focusing on what's currently trending.

Key Differences in Discovery

Here's the main difference:

  • TikTok: It's very tailored to what you like. It doesn't matter how famous you are; if people enjoy your videos, you'll get noticed.
  • YouTube Shorts: It's a mix of what you like and what's popular. Having a lot of subscribers helps, but you can also catch people's attention by talking about hot topics.

So, TikTok might be better for getting your videos in front of people when you're just starting out. But YouTube Shorts can help you reach a bigger crowd as you get more popular.

Using both platforms could be a smart move. Start with TikTok to build a group of fans who really dig your content. Then, use YouTube to show your videos to even more people.

Monetization Opportunities

YouTube Shorts and TikTok give creators different ways to earn money from their short videos. Here's a look at how each platform handles it.

YouTube Shorts Revenue Sharing

  • YouTube has a plan where they share 45% of the money made from ads with creators who make Shorts.
  • To be part of this, creators need more than 1,000 subscribers and 10 million views on their Shorts in 90 days.
  • The money comes from ads that play between Shorts.
  • If you're just starting out, YouTube also offers smaller payments from a special fund they have for creators.

TikTok Creator Fund

  • TikTok also shares ad money with creators through something called the Creator Fund.
  • Creators need to have 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the last 30 days to qualify.
  • How much you get paid depends on how many people watch and engage with your videos, and where you're located.
  • This is only available in a few countries like the US, UK, and some others in Europe.


  • On TikTok, fans can send money directly to creators as a tip.
  • Creators get all of the tip money, but there are some fees taken out by the payment processing company, Stripe.
  • You need at least 100,000 followers and to be over 18 to get tips.

Both YouTube Shorts and TikTok let creators make money, but YouTube Shorts might be a better deal right now. YouTube's ad sharing plan and TikTok's Creator Fund both offer ways to earn, but YouTube seems to give more money to creators. However, TikTok's tipping option is a nice extra way to make money.

As more people watch and make short videos, both platforms will probably offer more ways for creators to earn money. But for now, YouTube Shorts seems to offer a better deal, especially with its well-established Partner Program. TikTok still has some catching up to do in terms of making it more rewarding for creators.


Community Engagement and Growth

TikTok and YouTube Shorts both give creators ways to connect with their viewers and help their channels grow. Knowing what each platform offers can help you choose the right one for you.

TikTok's Duets and Stitches

TikTok has two cool features that let creators work with their fans and other creators:

Duets let you make a side-by-side video with someone else's TikTok. You can react to their content or add your own twist.

Stitches let you take parts of other people's videos and add them to yours. You can share your thoughts on trends or add your perspective.

These features make TikTok feel like a close community. Fans enjoy seeing their favorite creators team up. It's also a way for smaller channels to get noticed by bigger ones.

Some creators have seen their followers jump from a few thousand to millions just by getting involved in a popular duet or stitch.

YouTube Shorts' Multi-Segment Camera

YouTube Shorts

The multi-segment camera in Shorts makes it easy to put together different video clips into one. This is great for:

  • Showing different views or takes
  • Making a video flow well
  • Switching between inside and outside scenes

Since Shorts is part of YouTube, creators can also link to their longer videos at the end.

While it's not as interactive as TikTok's features, it can help people learn more about a creator's channel and possibly get more subscribers.

The Impact on Growth

TikTok's features are great for keeping your current fans engaged. Duets and stitches make viewers excited to see creators they like working together. This keeps fans coming back.

Shorts' camera feature is more about helping you reach new people. It makes creating good videos easy, so you can show off your best work and attract new fans.

So, TikTok is good for making your current fans happy, while Shorts helps you find new ones - but both can help your channel grow.

In the end, it's about what you want to achieve and which platform's tools suit you best. Are you looking to make stronger connections with your existing fans or reach out to new ones?

Using the special features each platform has is key for creators who want to turn their channels into a full-time job.

Cross-Platform Strategy

Putting your short videos on both TikTok and YouTube Shorts can help you reach more people. But, there are some things to think about before you do it.


  • More People to Watch - By using both platforms, you can reach more viewers. TikTok and YouTube have billions of users combined.
  • Easier to Find - Posting more often means more chances for people to find your videos. Each platform has its way of showing your content to interested viewers.
  • More Ways to Earn Money - Both TikTok and YouTube offer ways to make money from your videos. More views mean more chances to earn.
  • One Video, Two Posts - You can take one video and post it on both sites without making a completely new one each time.


  • More Work - You'll need to tweak your video titles, descriptions, and tags for each platform, which adds extra steps.
  • Different Viewers - What works on TikTok might not click with YouTube viewers, and vice versa.
  • Keeping Track - You have to look at how your videos are doing on both platforms separately, which can be a bit of a hassle.
  • Splitting Your Audience - If people only watch your video on their favorite platform, they might not bother with the other one.

Tips for Success

  • Get to know your viewers on both platforms so you can make videos they'll like.
  • Make the most of each platform's special features, like adding end screens on YouTube and using catchy captions on TikTok.
  • Tell your viewers about your other platform to encourage them to follow you there too.
  • Check your video stats on each platform so you can see what's working and what's not.

In short, sharing your videos on both TikTok and YouTube can help you reach more people, but it does mean a bit more work. Think about the pros and cons to decide if it's right for you. If you plan well and use the unique parts of each platform, you can make it work to your advantage.

Creator Support and Resources

TikTok and YouTube Shorts both help creators in different ways, giving them tools and advice to make their videos better and grow their audience. Here's a quick look at what they offer.

Educational Resources

TikTok has something called a Creator Portal. It's a place where you can learn how to:

  • Make videos that grab people's attention
  • Make your videos better for TikTok
  • Understand your video stats
  • Learn about ways to make money

They also have the TikTok Creator Marketplace. It's where creators can meet brands that want to sponsor videos.

YouTube offers a Creator Academy. It has courses on:

  • Starting with video making
  • Getting more viewers
  • Making money
  • Taking care of yourself as a creator

They have lessons, tests, and workbooks you can download.

YouTube also gives tips through live talks, blog posts, social media, and emails.

Community Support

TikTok has online groups where creators can talk about video ideas and what's trending.

They also let creators suggest improvements for TikTok.

YouTube helps creators connect at events and through forums.

If you're doing really well, you can become a YouTube Ambassador. Ambassadors help new creators by teaching them at events and online.

Platform Endorsements

TikTok pays creators through the Creator Fund. You need 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the last month to join.

The YouTube Partner Program lets creators earn money from ads, memberships, and more. You need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in a year to join.

Once you're in, you can become a YouTube Affiliate or YouTube Hero by making great content and helping others.

In short, TikTok and YouTube Shorts both offer help and rewards for creators. YouTube has more in-depth learning resources, while TikTok focuses on bringing creators together. Knowing what kind of support you're looking for can help you decide which platform is best for you.


When you're trying to decide if you should use TikTok or YouTube Shorts to share your short videos, think about what you want to achieve:

Goals and Content Types

What you want to do and the kind of videos you like to make are important:

  • Fun Personal Videos: If you enjoy creating videos that are all about having fun and showing who you are, like jokes, dances, or stories, TikTok might be the best place for you.
  • Helpful Tips & Learning Videos: If you're into making quick how-to guides, lists, or teaching something, YouTube Shorts could be a better fit. It's also great because you can link to your longer YouTube videos.
  • Reviews & Talking About Stuff: You can use either platform if you're into reviewing products or talking about what's happening in the world. Just think about who you want to watch your videos.
  • Chatting with Fans: TikTok lets you connect with your audience in a fun way with features like duets and stitches. This helps keep your fans interested.
  • Finding New Fans: YouTube Shorts can help you reach more people because it's part of the big YouTube community. Making videos about popular topics can help new fans find you.

Analytics and Money-Making

YouTube gives you more details on how your videos are doing so you can make them better. TikTok lets fans give you money directly through tips.

Both places let some creators earn money from ads. Right now, YouTube Shorts might help you make more money.

Support and Growth Opportunities

YouTube teaches creators how to improve with its Creator Academy. TikTok is great for making friends with other creators.

If you already have fans on YouTube, you'll have an advantage on Shorts. But if you're starting from scratch, TikTok can help you get noticed quickly.

Sharing your videos on both TikTok and YouTube can help you reach more people, but it means you'll have to adjust your videos for each place.

In the end, think about what you want from your videos and who you want to watch them. This can help you choose between TikTok, YouTube Shorts, or using both. They're always changing, so keep an eye on new features and ways to connect with your audience.

Is it better to post on TikTok or YouTube Shorts?


It's a good idea to share your short videos on both TikTok and YouTube Shorts. This way, you can reach more people. YouTube Shorts can help you tap into YouTube's huge user base. TikTok's system is great for helping new video makers get noticed, even if they don't have a lot of followers. By using both, you get the best of both worlds.

Which pays more TikTok or YouTube Shorts?

Right now, YouTube Shorts tends to pay creators more money for their videos. YouTube might give you about $0.15 to $0.20 for every 1,000 views on Shorts. TikTok usually pays less than that. But, TikTok lets viewers send money directly to creators, which is another way to make money. So, even though YouTube Shorts might pay more now, both platforms offer different ways to earn.

Is TikTok better for creators?

TikTok makes it easier for new creators to get noticed because its system focuses on how much people like and engage with your videos, not how many followers you have. This can help you grow your audience faster at the beginning. But, YouTube offers more ways to make money, like selling merchandise or getting paid for live streams. It really depends on what you're looking for: quick growth or more ways to earn money in the long run.

How much YouTube Shorts pay for 1,000 views?

YouTube Shorts pays creators about $0.01 to $0.10 for every 1,000 views, with most people making around $0.03 to $0.07. How much you get paid can depend on where your viewers are from, with views from countries with more money paying more. Even though you might make less per view compared to regular YouTube videos, Shorts can help you reach more people. And the more people watch your videos, the more money you can make over time.

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