What are UGC creators?

published on 27 February 2024

If you're curious about UGC creators and how they differ from influencers, here's a quick rundown:

  • UGC creators produce content like videos and photos for brands, making it seem as if a regular person shared it. They're paid per piece, not for their follower count.
  • Influencers share content based on their personal interests, usually have a large following, and often receive a lump sum for collaborations.

Key Points:

  • UGC creators focus on authenticity, showing real-life use of products.
  • They work directly with brands to create content that doesn't feel like a traditional ad.
  • Becoming a UGC creator involves learning videography, building a portfolio, finding your niche, and reaching out to brands.
  • Income varies based on experience, niche, and the quality of content, with potential rates ranging from $100 to $1,000 per video.

This career path requires dedication and continuous skill development but offers a creative and potentially lucrative way to work with brands you love.

What is a UGC Creator?

A UGC creator is basically someone who makes content like videos, photos, and reviews for brands, but makes it look like something a regular person would share online. They help show off what's cool about a product in a way that doesn't scream 'advertisement.'

Responsibilities of a UGC Creator

Here's what UGC creators usually do:

  • Make videos that feel real and show off products, like opening them for the first time, using them, or giving tips.
  • Take nice photos that show the product being used in everyday life.
  • Write reviews that sound like they're coming from a friend, talking about what they like or don't like about the product.
  • Share this content on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, using the right hashtags and descriptions to get noticed.
  • Work with brands to come up with content ideas that fit what the brand wants to achieve and what people like to see.
  • Make sure to follow any rules the brand has about how things should look or be said.

The main goal is to make stuff that doesn't look like an ad but still gets people interested in buying the product.

UGC Creator vs Influencer

UGC creators and influencers are kind of similar, but there are some big differences:

  • Follower count: Influencers usually have a lot of followers. UGC creators might not have as many, but that's okay because it's more about making great content.
  • Content focus: Influencers talk about what they're interested in, while UGC creators make content specifically to show off a brand's products.
  • Initiative: Brands usually reach out to UGC creators to work together. Influencers might reach out to brands themselves.
  • Pay: UGC creators get paid for each piece of content they make, but influencers might get one big payment.

In short, brands use UGC creators to make content that feels genuine and can help introduce their products to new people in a subtle, but effective way.

The Rise of UGC Marketing

Brands are getting really into using content that regular folks make, called user-generated content (UGC), to show off their stuff. It's not just about big-name influencers anymore. Here's why more companies are choosing to work with UGC creators:

Lower Cost Than Influencers

Working with UGC creators doesn't hit the wallet as hard as teaming up with influencers. Big influencers can ask for a lot of money for just one post, but UGC creators usually don't. They have fewer followers and are more about making cool, real content than getting famous. This means brands can get a lot of genuine posts without spending a fortune.

Higher Authenticity

People think UGC is the real deal more than other kinds of ads. Studies show that 86% of people trust content made by regular users more than stuff from influencers. UGC shows real-life folks actually using the product, which makes it easier for others to picture themselves doing the same. Plus, 78% of people say they're more likely to buy something if they see UGC about it.

So, brands are all over UGC creators because they're a budget-friendly way to get ads that feel real and trustworthy. By focusing on content from everyday users, brands can build a stronger connection with their audience.

Becoming a UGC Creator

Becoming a good UGC creator means you've got to put in the effort and learn a few things. Here's how you can start making cool content for brands:

Learn Videography Skills

  • Get yourself some video editing software like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere and learn how to use it to make your videos look slick.
  • Understand how to make your videos look good with the right camera angles, lighting, and how to put it all together.
  • Keep practicing by making videos and trying to get better. Watch what popular creators do and see if you can do something similar.

Build a Portfolio

  • Make 3-5 awesome videos that show off different products or brands.
  • Post these videos on YouTube and Instagram. Remember to use hashtags that make sense and write good titles and descriptions for your videos.
  • Keep track of how many people watch, like, and talk about your videos. This shows others how good you are at this.
  • Show off your best work when you talk to brands about making content for them.

Find Your Niche

  • Pick one or two areas you're really interested in and know a lot about. This could be anything from tech gadgets to makeup.
  • Learn everything you can about your chosen area, like the latest trends and what kinds of videos people like to watch.
  • Make videos that speak to people interested in your niche.
  • When you reach out to brands, tell them how you're the perfect person to make content for their products because you know the niche well.

Outreach to Brands

  • Look for brands that fit with the kind of content you make.
  • Write them a short, friendly message explaining why you'd be great at creating content for them.
  • Offer to make some content for free at first to show them what you can do.
  • Don't give up if you don't hear back right away. Keep trying and stay in touch.

By working on your video skills, showing off what you can do, picking a focus area, and reaching out to brands, you can make a name for yourself as a UGC creator.


UGC Rates and Income Potential

How much money UGC creators make depends on a few things like what they know, how good their videos are, and who they're working with. Here's a quick look at what they might earn.

Comparison table of UGC creator rates

Years Experience Niche Specialty Rate Per Video
0-2 years Food $100-$300
0-2 years Travel $150-$400
0-2 years Tech $200-$500
2-4 years Food $300-$600
2-4 years Travel $400-$800
2-4 years Tech $500-$1,000

This table shows that the more you know and the longer you've been making videos, the more you can charge. But remember, these are just rough numbers. What you actually get paid can change a lot based on other stuff.

Additional factors impacting income

Video quality and production value - If your videos look really good and professional, you can ask for more money. The better your video looks, the more you can charge.

Audience engagement - If a lot of people like, share, and comment on your videos, you might be able to charge more. This shows that you're good at getting people interested.

Client relationships - Working with the same brands over and over can help you make more money over time. It means you have steady work and can sometimes ask for higher pay.

Personal brand - If you're known as an expert in your field, you can charge more. Having a strong personal brand means more people pay attention to what you say and do.

In short, how much you make as a UGC creator depends a lot on making better content, getting people to engage with your videos, building good relationships with brands, and being seen as an expert in your area. Focusing on a specific area can also help you charge more for your work.

Sustainability as a Career

Becoming a UGC creator can be a good job path for some, but it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to make it work in the long run. Here are some important things to think about when it comes to making a living from creating UGC.

Reliability of Income

How much money UGC creators can make changes a lot. It depends on things like what you're good at, how much experience you have, how well you make your videos, how much people like and interact with your videos, and how good you are at working with brands. While some top UGC creators might earn more than $1,000 for each video, most are probably making between $100-$500 per video.

This means that making a steady income can be tricky. When you're just starting, you might not make much money. But, if you get really good at making videos, pick a specific area to focus on, build a following, and keep good relationships with brands, you can start to make more reliable money.

However, it might be better to think of UGC creation as something you do on the side to make extra cash, not your main job, especially when you're just starting. It's smart to have other ways to make money too.

Expanding Skill Sets

To make more money and keep your career going, UGC creators need to keep getting better at what they do.

Some important skills to work on include:

  • Getting really good at editing videos
  • Learning graphic design
  • Writing good video scripts
  • Figuring out the best ways to share your videos with more people
  • Growing your social media followers
  • Keeping up with the latest trends in your area

You can also think about making your own brand and business around your videos. This could let you make money in other ways too, like selling things related to what you do, getting paid to talk at events, and more.

In short, making videos for brands can make you money, but you need to plan carefully. Don't just rely on this one thing to make all your money, especially at first. It's better to have a few different ways to make money and always be learning and getting better at what you do.


To make it as a UGC creator, you need to work hard, plan well, and keep getting better at what you do. If you're up for the challenge, it can be a great way to make money and do something you enjoy. Here's a simple breakdown of the steps we talked about:

Learn the basics

  • Get what UGC is and what UGC creators do.
  • Look at what successful creators and brands are doing.
  • Get good at making videos, editing pictures, and writing.

Build your brand

  • Pick a specific area you're into, like tech, food, or travel.
  • Make a few awesome demo videos to show what you can do.
  • Share your stuff on sites like YouTube and Instagram.
  • Use the right hashtags and descriptions to help people find you.

Grow your audience

  • Keep making cool stuff regularly.
  • Talk to your followers and answer their comments.
  • Work with other creators like you.
  • Use numbers and feedback to make your content even better.

Work with brands

  • Find brands that fit with what you do.
  • Tell them why you'd be great to work with.
  • Maybe start by doing some work for a lower price or even free to show them what you've got.
  • Make sure you meet the brand's needs with your content.
  • Keep a good relationship with brands you work with.

Keep getting better

  • Learn more about making videos, editing, and design.
  • Stay in the loop with the latest trends in your area.
  • Think about getting into other stuff like selling your own products or hosting events.

The UGC world keeps changing, but if you're dedicated and keep pushing yourself, you can earn trust and charge more over time. It's a lot of work at the start, but the rewards of being a UGC creator are worth it.

Do UGC creators make money?

Yes, people who create UGC (user-generated content) can earn cash by working with brands to make real-looking posts and videos. How much they make can vary a lot. It depends on their skills, how good their content looks, how many people watch and like their stuff, and how well they work with brands. They might get paid anywhere from $100 to over $1000 for each piece they make. While it's a good way to make some extra money, relying on it as your only job can be tough.

What is a UGC creator vs influencer?

Here's how UGC creators and influencers are different:

  • Follower count - Influencers have lots of followers. UGC creators might not, but that's okay.
  • Content focus - Influencers share things they like. UGC creators make content to show off a brand's products.
  • Initiative - Brands usually ask UGC creators for help. Influencers might reach out to brands themselves.
  • Pay - UGC creators are paid for each thing they make. Influencers usually get one bigger payment.

In short, UGC creators focus on making content that looks like it's coming from a regular person, not an ad, while influencers share their own experiences and interests.

How do I get into UGC creation?

To start making UGC, follow these steps:

  • Set up social media accounts just for this work
  • Pick a topic you know a lot about
  • Get some basic video gear
  • Create good-looking posts or videos for brands
  • Make an online collection of your best work
  • Learn how to edit videos well
  • Share your content on places like YouTube and Instagram
  • Talk to brands about working together

It takes time and effort to get noticed and start getting paid gigs.

Do UGC creators need followers?

No, you don't need a bunch of followers to start making UGC. But, having people who follow and engage with your content can make you more appealing to brands. While not required, growing your audience can be helpful for your UGC career in the long run.

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