10 Behind-the-Scenes Content Ideas for Creators

published on 14 May 2024

Behind-the-scenes content helps creators build trust, increase engagement, and foster a loyal community. By sharing a glimpse into their creative process, workspace, daily routine, and more, creators can connect with their audience on a deeper level and make their brand more relatable.

Here are 10 behind-the-scenes content ideas for creators:

  1. Share Your Creative Process
  2. Introduce Your Team Members
  3. Tour of Your Workspace
  4. Share Your Daily Routine
  5. Sneak Peeks of Upcoming Projects
  6. Showcase Your Interests and Hobbies
  7. Celebrate National Days and Events
  8. Share Your Inspiration and Motivation
  9. Product Demo or Unboxing
  10. Gratitude and Milestones
Why Behind-the-Scenes Content? Benefits
Build Trust Shows the person behind the brand
Increase Engagement Provides exclusive insights and connection
Foster Loyalty Creates a sense of belonging among followers

By sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, creators can create a more engaging and interactive experience for their audience, ultimately building a loyal following of fans and supporters.

1. Share Your Creative Process

Sharing your creative process helps your audience understand how you work. This can include brainstorming, sketching, drafting, and editing. By sharing your process, you can:

  • Show your audience the effort and time that goes into creating your content
  • Provide valuable insights and tips for those interested in your craft
  • Build a connection with your audience by showing your personality and style

Here's an example of how you can share your creative process:

Step Description
Brainstorming Share photos or videos of your brainstorming sessions
Sketching Share your sketches or drafts
Drafting Write a blog post or create a video explaining your drafting process
Editing Share your editing process, including challenges and how you overcame them

Remember, sharing your creative process doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to show your mistakes and imperfections – it's all part of the creative journey. The key is to be transparent and provide value to your audience.

By sharing your creative process, you can create a more engaging and interactive experience for your audience. It's a great way to build trust and loyalty with your followers, and it can also help establish you as an expert in your field.

2. Introduce Your Team Members

Introducing your team members helps humanize your brand and creates a personal connection with your audience. By sharing who the people behind the scenes are, you can build trust and showcase your team's expertise.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Method Description
Video Interviews Record short video interviews with each team member, asking them to share their role, responsibilities, and what they love about their job.
Written Bios Write brief bios for each team member, including their background, skills, and interests.
Photos Share photos of your team members in action, showcasing their work environment, and highlighting their personalities.
Behind-the-Scenes Footage Capture candid footage of your team members working together, having fun, or celebrating milestones.

Remember, the goal is to be genuine and showcase your team's personality. By doing so, you can create a loyal following and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Don't be afraid to get creative and have fun with it! Introduce your team members in a way that reflects your brand's tone and style.

3. Tour of Your Workspace

Giving your followers a tour of your workspace can help them feel more connected to you and your brand. This behind-the-scenes content idea lets your followers see where you create your content and the tools you use.

Here are some ways to give a tour of your workspace:

Method Description
Video Tour Record a video showing your workspace, including your desk, equipment, and any unique features.
Photo Tour Share a series of photos highlighting different areas of your workspace, such as your desk, bookshelves, or artwork.
Virtual Tour Create a virtual tour of your workspace using 360-degree photos or videos, allowing your followers to explore your space interactively.

Highlight your favorite desk accessories, artwork on the walls, or any unique features that make your workspace special. By giving your followers a glimpse into your workspace, you can create a sense of familiarity and build trust with your audience.

4. Share Your Daily Routine

Sharing your daily routine helps your audience feel more connected to you and your brand. By giving them a glimpse into your life as a content creator, you can build trust and showcase your personality.

Here are some ways to share your daily routine:

Method Description
Vlog Record a video showcasing your daily routine, including morning chores, responding to emails, and planning social media content.
Blog Post Write a blog post detailing your daily routine, including your morning routine, work schedule, and personal activities.
Instagram Stories Share snippets of your daily routine on Instagram Stories, giving your followers a peek into your daily life.

When sharing your daily routine, highlight your favorite parts of the day, such as your morning coffee routine or your evening wind-down activities. You can also share tips on how you stay organized and productive throughout the day. By sharing your daily routine, you can create a sense of familiarity and build a stronger connection with your audience.

5. Sneak Peeks of Upcoming Projects

Giving your audience a sneak peek into your upcoming projects can generate excitement and anticipation. This type of behind-the-scenes content allows your followers to feel invested in your creative process and builds trust.

Here are some ways to share sneak peeks of upcoming projects:

Method Description
Teaser Trailer Create a short video showcasing snippets of your upcoming project, without revealing too much.
Concept Art Share early concept art or design sketches to give your audience an idea of what's to come.
Behind-the-Scenes Photos Share photos of your team working on the project, or reveal early prototypes or mockups.
Exclusive Interviews Share interviews with team members or collaborators, discussing the project's vision and goals.

When sharing sneak peeks, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Create anticipation: Give your audience a sense of what's coming without revealing too much.
  • Be genuine: Share real, unpolished content that shows your creative process.
  • Encourage engagement: Ask your audience for feedback or suggestions to make them feel involved in the project.

By sharing sneak peeks of upcoming projects, you can create a buzz around your brand and build a loyal following of fans who are eager to see what you're working on next.


6. Showcase Your Interests and Hobbies

As a creator, your audience wants to know more about you as a person. Sharing your interests and hobbies can help build a stronger connection with your followers and make your brand more relatable.

Here are some benefits of sharing your interests and hobbies:

  • Humanize your brand: Show your audience that you're more than just your work.
  • Attract like-minded people: Share your passions and attract people who share similar interests.
  • Create a sense of community: Share your hobbies and create a sense of belonging among your followers.

Here are some ways to showcase your interests and hobbies:

Method Description
Social Media Posts Share photos or videos of your hobbies, such as playing music, hiking, or cooking.
Blog Posts Write about your favorite books, movies, or TV shows, and how they inspire your creative work.
Behind-the-Scenes Content Share footage of your daily routine, including how you balance your work and personal life.
Q&A Sessions Host Q&A sessions on social media or your blog, where you answer questions about your interests and hobbies.

Remember to be genuine and authentic when sharing your interests and hobbies. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and vulnerability, and it will help build a stronger connection with them.

By showcasing your interests and hobbies, you can create a more well-rounded brand that resonates with your audience on a deeper level. So, don't be afraid to share your passions and hobbies with the world!

7. Celebrate National Days and Events

As a creator, you can connect with your audience and make your content more engaging by celebrating national days and events. These special days provide a fun and creative way to share your brand's personality and values with your followers.

For example, you could celebrate National String Cheese Day on September 20th by sharing a fun fact or a behind-the-scenes look at your team's favorite snacks. Alternatively, you could celebrate American Business Women's Day on September 22nd by sharing your story as a woman in business or highlighting the achievements of women in your industry.

By celebrating national days and events, you can:

Benefits Description
Showcase your brand's personality Share your brand's values and interests through fun and creative content.
Connect with your audience Use national days and events to start conversations and engage with your followers.
Create engaging content Use these special days as inspiration for creating unique and engaging content that sets you apart from others.

Remember to keep your content authentic and relevant to your brand and audience. With a little creativity, celebrating national days and events can be a great way to build a stronger connection with your followers and make your brand more relatable.

8. Share Your Inspiration and Motivation

Sharing your inspiration and motivation can help your audience connect with you on a deeper level. By giving your followers a glimpse into what drives you, you can build trust and foster a sense of community.

Why Share Your Inspiration and Motivation?

Sharing your inspiration and motivation can:

Reasons Description
Build trust Be open and honest with your audience.
Foster community Create a sense of belonging among your followers.
Inspire others Encourage others to pursue their passions.

How to Share Your Inspiration and Motivation

You can share your inspiration and motivation through:

  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Show your followers how you work and what inspires you.
  • Blog posts: Write about your creative process and what motivates you.
  • Social media posts: Share quotes, images, or stories that inspire you.

Remember to be genuine and honest when sharing your inspiration and motivation. Your audience will appreciate your sincerity and be more likely to engage with your content.

9. Product Demo or Unboxing

Product demos and unboxing videos are popular ways to showcase products in an engaging and interactive way. By sharing a product demo or unboxing video, you can give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your product, its features, and how it works.

Why Create a Product Demo or Unboxing Video?

Reason Description
Build trust Show your audience the product in action, building trust and credibility.
Increase engagement Engage your audience with an interactive and immersive experience.
Showcase features Highlight the product's features and benefits in a more engaging way.

How to Create a Product Demo or Unboxing Video

To create a product demo or unboxing video, follow these steps:

1. Plan your script: Determine the key features and benefits you want to highlight in your video. 2. Choose a format: Decide whether you want to create a live-action or animated video. 3. Record your video: Use a high-quality camera and microphone to record your video. 4. Edit and refine: Edit your video to ensure it is concise, engaging, and informative.

By following these steps, you can create a product demo or unboxing video that showcases your product in a unique and engaging way, building trust and increasing engagement with your audience.

10. Gratitude and Milestones

Expressing gratitude and celebrating milestones are essential for building a strong community and fostering engagement with your audience. By sharing your gratitude and milestones, you can create a sense of connection and appreciation with your followers.

Why Express Gratitude and Celebrate Milestones?

Reason Description
Build trust Show your audience that you value their support.
Increase engagement Encourage your followers to share their own stories and experiences.
Foster loyalty Celebrate milestones and express gratitude to create a sense of belonging.

How to Express Gratitude and Celebrate Milestones

To express gratitude and celebrate milestones, follow these steps:

1. Identify milestones: Determine the milestones you want to celebrate, such as reaching a certain number of followers or completing a project. 2. Express gratitude: Share a heartfelt message or video thanking your audience for their support. 3. Celebrate milestones: Create a special post or video celebrating the milestone, including behind-the-scenes content or exclusive insights.

By following these steps, you can create a sense of connection and appreciation with your audience, fostering a loyal and engaged community.


Behind-the-scenes content helps creators connect with their audience and show their human side. By using these 10 ideas, creators can make their brand more relatable and engaging. It's a way to share their personality, creative process, and exclusive insights into their work. This helps build trust, increase engagement, and create a loyal community of fans and supporters.

Why Behind-the-Scenes Content Matters

Reason Description
Builds trust Shows the audience the person behind the brand
Increases engagement Provides exclusive insights and a sense of connection
Fosters loyalty Creates a sense of belonging among followers

Tips for Creating Effective Behind-the-Scenes Content

1. Be genuine: Share your true self and creative process. 2. Experiment with formats: Try different formats, such as videos, blog posts, or social media posts. 3. Keep it simple: Focus on clarity and readability.

By following these tips and ideas, creators can make their brand more relatable and engaging, building a loyal community of fans and supporters.


What is behind-the-scenes content?

Behind-the-scenes content gives your audience a glimpse into your company's inner workings. This can include a virtual tour of your office, a "day in-the-life" of a team member, or a sneak peek at an upcoming product or service.

What type of content is best for sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses?

Content Type Description
Product Development Share photos or videos of product design, testing, and manufacturing stages.
Day-in-the-Life Showcase a team member's daily tasks and workflows.
Events Bring your audience along to your events.
Office Tour Give a creative tour of your office or store.

How do I create behind-the-scenes content?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Show the people behind your brand.
  • Share your day-to-day tasks and workflows.
  • Bring your audience along to your events.
  • Give a creative tour of your office or store.
  • Spark curiosity around upcoming releases with static and video teases.

Why is behind-the-scenes content important?

Behind-the-scenes content helps build trust, increases engagement, and creates a loyal community of fans and supporters. It provides a transparent way for people to view your personality, brand, and offering.

Do people like behind-the-scenes content?

Yes, people love behind-the-scenes content! It helps build trust and fosters a sense of connection with your audience. By sharing your genuine self and creative process, you can create a loyal community of fans and supporters.

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