Compose Music for Videos: 5 Tips

published on 22 July 2024

Want to create the perfect soundtrack for your video? Here's a quick guide to composing music that enhances your visuals:

  1. Understand the video's mood and goal
  2. Create a strong main tune
  3. Match music to video events
  4. Pick the right instruments
  5. Make space for other sounds
Tip Key Point
1. Know the mood Set emotional tone
2. Strong melody Create memorable tune
3. Sync with video Time music to key moments
4. Choose instruments Match video style
5. Balance audio Leave room for dialogue

Follow these steps to craft music that complements your video, engages viewers, and elevates your overall production. Let's dive into each tip to help you compose the perfect soundtrack.

1. Know the Video's Mood and Goal

Check the Video's Tone

To make good music for a video, you need to understand its mood and message. Watch the video and ask yourself:

  • What feelings does it create?
  • What's the main point of the video?
  • How can music help get these across?

Look at the pictures, words, and overall feel of the video. Figure out if it's happy, sad, funny, or serious.

Pick Music that Fits the Genre

Different types of videos need different kinds of music. For example:

Video Type Music Style
Horror Spooky, tense
Comedy Upbeat, fun
Drama Emotional, deep

Look at other videos like yours to get ideas for music styles that work well.

Write Down Music Goals

After you know the tone and type of video, make a list of what you want your music to do. Ask yourself:

  • What main feeling should the music create?
  • How can the music help the video's message?
  • What sounds or instruments will work best?
  • Are there music styles that match the video's mood?

Write down your answers. Use this list to guide you as you make your music. It will help you stay on track and make sure your music fits the video well.

2. Create a Strong Main Tune

A good main tune can make your video more engaging and memorable. Here's how to create one:

Make a Simple Main Melody

Start with the root note of your track. Use the root note, third, fifth, and seventh to build your melody. Repeat these notes to set the key and make it sound strong.

Here's an example using G sharp as the root note:

Note Pitch
Root G sharp
Third B
Fifth D sharp
Seventh F sharp

Add Tune Changes

After you have a simple melody:

  • Copy your melody
  • Add an extra note to make it progress
  • Change things up to keep it interesting
  • Try taking the melody down instead of up for more depth

Mix Repeats and Changes

To keep your music engaging:

  • Repeat your main melody to make it familiar
  • Add changes to keep listeners interested
  • Use different rhythms and pitch patterns
  • Try new instruments
  • Make sure your melody loops smoothly

3. Match Music to Video Events

Matching music to video events helps create a better video. Here's how to do it:

Find Key Video Moments

Watch your video several times to spot important moments. These could be:

  • Big reveals
  • Funny parts
  • Emotional high points

Write down when these moments happen so you can match your music to them.

Time Music with Video Changes

Once you know the key moments, sync your music with what's happening on screen. This means:

  • Changing the music's speed to match the video's pace
  • Adjusting the music's mood to fit what's happening

For example, if there's a car chase, use fast, exciting music.

Adjust Speed and Beat

Change your music's speed and beat to fit the video's rhythm. This can mean:

  • Making the music faster or slower
  • Using different rhythms

Here's a simple guide:

Video Pace Music Speed Music Feel
Slow Slow Calm
Medium Medium Steady
Fast Fast Energetic

4. Pick the Right Instruments

Choosing the right instruments is key when making music for videos. The instruments you use can change how your video feels. Here's how to pick them:

Choose Fitting Instruments

Pick instruments that match your video's mood and type. For example:

Video Type Instrument Choices
Romantic comedy Piano, guitar, strings
Action thriller Drums, electric guitar, synthesizer

Balance Different Instruments

Mix instruments well to create a good sound. If you use a loud instrument, add a soft one too. Try different mixes to find what works best.

Know How Instruments Affect Mood

Instruments can make people feel different things. Here's a quick guide:

Instrument Mood
Strings Sad or nostalgic
Electric guitar Energetic
Piano Calm or romantic
Drums Exciting or tense

Use this info to pick instruments that fit your video's mood.

5. Make Space for Other Sounds

When making music for videos, it's important to leave room for other sounds like talking, effects, and narration. Here's how to do it:

Keep Music in the Background

To make sure your music helps the video without taking over:

  • Set the volume low enough so people can hear the talking clearly
  • Use instruments that fit well with the video's style
  • Don't make sudden changes in the music that might distract viewers

Leave Room for Speech and Effects

When adding music to your video:

  • Find the parts where talking or sound effects are important
  • Turn down the music during these times
  • Try different mixes to get the right balance of music and other sounds

Control Music Volume

Managing how loud your music is helps create a good mix of sounds. Here's how:

Technique What It Does
Volume automation Changes music volume throughout the video
Compression Makes loud and soft parts more even
EQ Adjusts specific sound frequencies

Use these methods to make sure your music fits well with the other sounds in your video.


Great job! You've learned the basics of making music for videos. Let's recap the main points:

  1. Understand the video's mood and goal
  2. Create a strong main tune
  3. Match music to video events
  4. Pick the right instruments
  5. Make space for other sounds

To get better:

  • Practice these tips often
  • Try different music styles
  • Work with others
  • Ask for feedback

Remember to:

  • Learn more about music production
  • Work well with others
  • Listen to feedback

If you keep using these tips and work hard, you'll make great music for your videos.

Here's a quick summary of what to focus on:

Area What to Do
Practice Use these tips regularly
Experiment Try new music styles
Teamwork Work with other people
Feedback Ask others what they think
Learning Keep improving your skills

Now it's your turn to start making music!


How to compose music step by step?

To make music for a video:

  1. Watch the video fully
  2. Rewatch it, noting:
    • Overall tone
    • Key scenes
    • Scene changes
  3. For each music part (cue), write down:
    • Start time
    • End time
    • What feeling you want


Time Scene Music Feeling
24:15 - 26:32 Chase scene Fast, exciting

How can I make my own music?

To create your own music:

  1. Follow the steps above
  2. Try different music styles
  3. Work with other people
  4. Ask for feedback
  5. Keep learning about making music


Do This Why
Practice often Get better
Try new things Find your style
Work with others Learn from them
Listen to feedback Improve your work

With time and effort, you'll be able to make good music for videos.

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