Exploratory Testing: Techniques, Best Practices, Examples

published on 23 July 2024

Exploratory testing is a flexible software testing method where testers learn about the system while testing it. Here's what you need to know:

  • Definition: Unscripted testing that combines learning, test design, and execution
  • Key benefits: Finds hidden bugs, adapts to changes, improves software quality
  • Main techniques: Free-form, scenario-based, session-based, pair testing
  • Best practices: Set clear goals, use time limits, keep good notes, mix structure with freedom
  • Tools: Test management software, bug tracking tools, screen recording software
  • Measuring success: Track defect density, test coverage, and defect detection rate
Aspect Scripted Testing Exploratory Testing
Test Cases Predefined Created during testing
Flexibility Low High
Speed of Results Slower Faster
Documentation Extensive Limited
Automation Possible Not typically used

Exploratory testing complements automated tests and fits well with Agile and DevOps practices. It's particularly useful for finding unexpected issues and improving user experience.

2. Basics of Exploratory Testing

This section explains the main ideas of exploratory testing, how it's different from scripted testing, and where it fits in software testing.

2.1 Main Ideas Behind Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is about:

  • Using tester's experience and knowledge
  • Finding problems by trying out the software
  • Thinking of new ways to test
  • Asking questions about how the software works

This helps find issues that other testing methods might miss.

2.2 How It Differs from Scripted Testing

Here's how exploratory testing is different from scripted testing:

Aspect Scripted Testing Exploratory Testing
Test Cases Written beforehand Made up while testing
How Tests Are Done Follow a set plan Change as you go
Getting Results Takes longer Faster
Keeping Track Easy Harder
Using Computers to Test Can be done Can't be done

Scripted testing checks specific things, while exploratory testing looks for problems by trying out the software.

2.3 Where It Fits in Software Testing

Exploratory testing can be used at different times when making software:

  • Early on: To find big problems and tell developers
  • In the middle: To test specific parts of the software
  • Near the end: To make sure the software works well for users and doesn't have big problems

3. Pros and Cons of Exploratory Testing

3.1 Benefits of Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing helps improve software in several ways:

Benefit Description
Quick bug finding Testers can spot big problems fast, so they get fixed sooner
Better test coverage Covers many different situations, making sure the software is well-tested
More tester ideas Testers come up with new ways to test, which leads to better testing
Less setup time Testers can start right away without much planning
Better for users Helps find issues that make the software hard to use

3.2 Drawbacks and Limits

Exploratory testing also has some downsides:

Drawback Description
Depends on tester skill How well it works relies on how good the tester is
Hard to repeat bugs It can be tough to make the same bug happen again
Not much written down There's often not a lot of notes about what was tested
Might miss big bugs Some important problems could be overlooked

3.3 Best Times to Use Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing works well in these situations:

  • At the start of making software: It helps find big problems early
  • When it's not clear what the software should do: It can help figure out what's needed
  • For tricky software: It's good for testing complicated systems
  • When there's not much time: It can be done quickly when needed

4. Exploratory Testing Methods

Exploratory testing uses different ways to find problems in software. These methods help testers use their skills to find issues that other types of testing might miss.

4.1 Free-Form Exploratory Testing

In free-form testing, testers try out the software without a set plan. They use their knowledge to look for problems.

Example: A tester uses a new social media app, trying out things like making a profile, posting updates, and sending messages. They look for anything that doesn't work right.

4.2 Scenario-Based Testing

This method uses real-life situations to test software. Testers make up stories about how people might use the app and then test those stories.

Example: For a banking app, a tester might pretend to be a customer moving money between accounts. They log in, go to the transfer page, choose accounts, enter details, and check if the transfer worked.

4.3 Session-Based Testing

Session-based testing breaks testing into timed sessions with specific goals. Testers write down what they find during and after each session.

Example: A tester spends 60 minutes checking the search feature on a shopping website. They try different searches, including keywords and filters, and write down any problems they find.

4.4 Pair Testing

In pair testing, two testers work together. One tester uses the software while the other watches, gives ideas, and writes down findings.

Example: Two testers check the sign-up process for a new app. One enters different types of information, while the other suggests things to try and writes down any issues.

4.5 Mind Map Testing

Mind map testing uses diagrams to plan testing. Testers draw maps of the software's features and use them to guide their testing.

Example: For a health app, a tester draws a map with branches for step counting, calorie tracking, and sleep monitoring. They then test each part of the map.

4.6 Bug Hunts

Bug hunts are group testing sessions where the main goal is to find as many problems as possible in a set time.

Example: During a two-hour bug hunt for a new game, testers try to find issues with gameplay, graphics, sound, and controls. They report each problem they find.

Method Description Example
Free-Form Test without a plan Try all features of a new app
Scenario-Based Test using real-life stories Check money transfer in a banking app
Session-Based Test in timed sessions with goals Test search feature for 60 minutes
Pair Testing Two testers work together One tests sign-up, one takes notes
Mind Map Use diagrams to plan testing Draw map of health app features
Bug Hunts Group session to find many issues Find problems in a new game

5. Tips for Better Exploratory Testing

Here are some ways to make exploratory testing work better:

5.1 Set Clear Goals

Before you start testing:

  • Decide what you want to test
  • Pick the most important parts to focus on
  • Make a list of what you need to check

This helps you stay on track and use your time well.

5.2 Use Time Limits

Set a timer when you test. This helps you:

  • Stay focused
  • Avoid getting tired
  • Test more regularly

Try setting a timer for 60 or 90 minutes and see how many issues you can find.

5.3 Keep Good Notes

Write down what you do and what you find. This helps you:

  • Remember what you've tested
  • See patterns in problems
  • Tell others what you found

Use a simple form or tool to keep your notes organized.

5.4 Mix Freedom and Structure

Use a plan, but also try new things:

  • Have a list of things to check
  • Be ready to look into new areas if you find something odd
  • Try different ways of using the software

This helps you test the basics and find hidden problems.

5.5 Use Testing Guidelines

Make a list of things to look for when testing, like:

  • Is it easy to use?
  • Does it work fast enough?
  • Is it safe to use?

This list helps you check all the important parts of the software.

5.6 Learn and Change

After each test:

  • Look at what you found
  • Think about how to test better next time
  • Change how you test based on what you learned

This helps you get better at testing over time.

Tip What to Do Why It Helps
Set Clear Goals Make a list of what to test Keeps you focused
Use Time Limits Set a timer for testing Helps you work efficiently
Keep Good Notes Write down what you do and find Makes it easy to report issues
Mix Freedom and Structure Have a plan but be flexible Finds both common and hidden problems
Use Testing Guidelines Make a checklist of things to look for Ensures you check all important areas
Learn and Change Review and improve your testing method Makes you a better tester over time

6. Tools for Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing uses different tools to help testers plan, organize, and track their work. These tools also help find and report problems.

6.1 Test Management Software

Test management software helps plan and track testing. Some tools for this are:

Tool What it does
Test & Feedback Manages test sessions
Testmo Helps report issues
Xray Exploratory Testing App Lets testers work together

These tools can also work with other testing tools.

6.2 Bug Tracking Tools

Bug tracking tools help manage and write down problems found in the software. Here are some examples:

Tool Main features
Test IO Makes and tracks bug reports
Rapid Reporter Assigns importance to bugs
Bug Magnet Helps testers work with developers

6.3 Screen Recording Tools

Screen recording tools capture what testers do on the screen. Some popular ones are:

Tool What it does
SnagIt Records video and sound
BB TestAssistant Takes and marks up screenshots
Screenshot and Screen Video Recorder Works with other testing tools

6.4 Mind Mapping Software

Mind mapping software helps create pictures of test plans. Two good options are:

Tool Key features
MindMeister Makes and edits mind maps
XMind Lets team members work together

6.5 Team Communication Tools

Team communication tools help testers talk and work together. Some common ones are:

Tool Main uses
Slack Instant messaging
Trello Assigns and tracks tasks
Asana Works with other testing tools

These tools make it easier for testers to share information and work as a team.


7. Combining Exploratory Testing with Other Methods

This section looks at how to use exploratory testing with other testing methods. It covers working with automated tests, fitting into Agile and DevOps, and finding the right mix of testing types.

7.1 Working with Automated Tests

Using exploratory testing with automated tests can make testing better and faster. Here's how they work together:

Automated Tests Exploratory Testing
Run repetitive checks Look for unexpected issues
Verify existing features Test new scenarios
Fast and efficient Uses human judgment

Tools like Selenium or Postman can run automated tests. Testers can then focus on tasks that need human thinking, like testing user interfaces or unusual cases.

7.2 Fitting into Agile and DevOps


Exploratory testing works well with Agile and DevOps methods. These methods focus on quick changes and teamwork.

In Agile:

  • Changes happen often
  • Risks change quickly
  • Exploratory testing can adapt easily

In DevOps:

  • Exploratory testing helps check new changes
  • It works with automated tests to find problems fast
  • This helps make sure new updates work well

7.3 Balancing Different Test Types

It's important to use both exploratory and scripted testing. Here's how they differ:

Scripted Testing Exploratory Testing
Follows set test cases Flexible approach
Checks specific features Can find unexpected issues
Ensures basic functions work Uncovers hidden problems

Using both types helps make sure the software works well and catches different kinds of problems.

8. Measuring Exploratory Testing Success

This section explains how to check if exploratory testing is working well. It helps teams improve their testing and show why it's useful.

8.1 Key Performance Indicators

To see how well exploratory testing is working, teams use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These are numbers that show how good the testing is. Here are some common KPIs:

KPI What it Means
Defect Density How many bugs are found in each part of the software
Test Coverage How much of the software was tested
Defect Detection Rate How many bugs are found per hour of testing
Test Effectiveness How many bugs were found compared to all the bugs in the software

8.2 Measuring Quality and Quantity

To check exploratory testing, teams look at two types of information:

  1. Numbers (like how many bugs were found)
  2. Opinions (like what testers think about the software)

Both types help show if the testing is working well.

8.3 Sharing Results

Telling others about exploratory testing results is important. It shows why this type of testing helps make better software. Here's how to share results:

  • Make clear reports
  • Use pictures like charts and graphs
  • Explain how the testing helped find problems

This helps people understand why exploratory testing is useful and make good choices about testing.

9. Advanced Exploratory Testing Techniques

This section looks at more complex ways to do exploratory testing. These methods help teams find tricky problems and make software better.

9.1 Risk-Based Testing

Risk-based testing focuses on parts of the software that might have big problems. This helps teams test the most important things first.

To do risk-based testing:

  • Find the most important parts of the software
  • Look at what users say about problems
  • Check where problems happened before

This way, teams can fix the biggest issues first and stop them from causing trouble later.

9.2 Domain-Specific Testing

Domain-specific testing means testing based on what the software is for. Different types of software need different kinds of testing.

For example, testing a health app needs to know about:

  • Medical rules
  • Keeping patient information safe
  • How doctors and nurses work

By using this special knowledge, teams can test better for that type of software.

9.3 Group Exploratory Testing

Group exploratory testing uses many testers with different skills. This helps find problems that one person might miss.

Ways to do group testing:

  • Two testers work together
  • A group of testers all test at once

When testers work together, they can find more problems and understand the software better.

9.4 AI-Helped Testing

AI-helped testing uses computer programs to make testing easier. This can help testers do their job better and faster.

What AI Can Do How It Helps
Fill in forms automatically Testers have more time for harder tasks
Look for patterns in test results Find problems that people might miss
Suggest new ways to test Come up with ideas testers didn't think of

10. Real-World Examples

10.1 Exploratory Testing in Practice

Many companies use exploratory testing to find problems in their software. Here are two examples:

  1. Mobile Game Login Issue

A game company tested their app's login feature. They found a bug where users with certain characters in their username couldn't log in. Regular tests didn't catch this, but exploratory testing did.

  1. Healthcare Software Testing

A company that makes software for hospitals used exploratory testing on their patient system. Testers looked for issues like wrong patient info and medicine mistakes. This helped make the system safer for patients.

10.2 Lessons from Good Projects

Projects that did well with exploratory testing teach us:

Lesson Why It's Important
Include testers early Helps find problems sooner
Be flexible Lets testers check new issues as they come up

10.3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Teams sometimes make mistakes with exploratory testing. Here are two big ones:

Mistake Why It's Bad
Not giving enough time Testers can't check everything properly
Starting too late Testers don't understand the system well

To do exploratory testing right, give testers enough time and include them from the start of the project.

11. The Future of Exploratory Testing

11.1 New Tech and Its Effects

New technology is changing how we do exploratory testing. AI and machine learning are making testing faster and better. These tools help testers:

  • Do boring tasks automatically
  • Look at lots of information quickly
  • Find parts of software that need more testing

AI tools can:

  • Look at old test results to guess what might happen in new tests
  • Help testers focus on the most important parts of the software
  • Find problems that people might miss

11.2 Changes in Testing Methods

As AI and machine learning become more common in testing, testers will need to:

  • Learn how to use new tools
  • Understand how AI works
  • Get better at looking at data

Testers will also need to work more closely with developers and other team members. This will help make sure testing is part of the whole process of making software.

Old Way New Way
Manual repetitive tasks AI-assisted automation
Limited data analysis AI-powered pattern recognition
Isolated testing Integrated testing throughout development

11.3 What's Next for Software Testing

The future of software testing looks different from today. Here's what we might see:

  • More use of AI and machine learning in testing
  • Exploratory testing becoming even more important
  • New ways of testing for new types of software

Testers will need to keep learning about:

  • Testing in the cloud
  • Testing apps for phones and tablets
  • New tools that make testing easier

12. Wrap-Up

12.1 Key Points

This guide covered the main parts of exploratory testing:

Topic What We Learned
Basics What it is and how it works
Methods Different ways to do exploratory testing
Tools Software that helps with testing
Other Testing How it fits with other types of tests
Measuring How to check if it's working well

12.2 Why It's Still Important

Exploratory testing is still a big part of making sure software works well. Here's why:

Reason Explanation
Finds Hidden Problems Testers can spot issues other tests miss
Works with New Tech Helps test AI and machine learning systems
Improves Software Makes programs easier to use
Keeps Customers Happy Finds problems before users do

As software keeps changing, exploratory testing will keep helping teams make better programs.


What technique is used in exploratory testing?

Scenario-based exploratory testing is a common technique. It involves:

  • Testing based on real user situations
  • Trying out the software in many ways
  • Checking as much of the software as possible

How to improve exploratory testing?

To make exploratory testing better:

Action Description
Test more Check all parts of the software
Write things down Keep notes on what you find
Use other tests too Mix with different testing types
Set clear goals Know what you want to test
Look beyond the basics Test more than just what's required
Focus on risky areas Test the most important parts first
Keep learning Always try to get better at testing
Use tools Let computers help with some tasks

What is required for exploratory testing?

For good exploratory testing, you need:

  • A clear plan of what to test
  • A way to keep track of problems found
  • Two testers working together, if possible

What is meant by exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing is a way to check software where testers:

  • Learn about the software as they test
  • Make up tests as they go along
  • Look for problems that other tests might miss

It's about finding issues by trying out the software in different ways.

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